Species rules


  • Only guest artists and moderators can create and sell Angennies adopts.
  • You must have a MYO to create an angennie. Creating one without a MYO will result in the angennie not being considered official in the species. It means that the angennie would not be able to be posted on the TH world/Discord server. If someone reports you to be creating non-official angennies, we won't do nothing to stop you as we can't stop people from creating ocs, but we won't allow the oc to be submitted into the world and Discord.
  • You must have a TH account and you also must be in our world to be the owner of a MYO/angennie. This is for us to keep better track of the species and to build a solid community easier.
  • Do not sell an angennie for more than their original worth (MYO value). This rule can be broken if the angennie has extra commissioned art, but you still can't sell them for more than their current value.
  • Dekudogs (Angennies based of existing media characters) are not allowed since these are against ToyHouse's TOS.


  • There is no deadline to make the oc of your MYO;
  • Do not use any traits that are above your MYO'S rarity;
  • You MUST list all the traits you used on your MYO when submitting your angennie for approval;
  • Your angennie must comply with the rules of the species;
  • You can use as many colors as you like on your MYO.


Now you can sell your angennie for more than their current value with a voucher. Vouchering your angennie for any physical or online items (just like games, commissions, adopts, paintings, etc) is allowed under the following circumstances:

  • ALWAYS message a mod to request a voucher BEFORE submitting it for trade;
  • The person offering the voucher must be the one to pay for the items. In other words, voucher price can never be given directly to the seller;
  • Voucher price cannot be more than double the value of the angennie;
  • For angennies obtained for free, voucher price cannot exceed $40;
  • MYOs cannot be vouchered.

To submit a voucher request, message a mod with the following information:

  • - Angennie masterlist profile link
  • - Price of voucher
  • - Type of voucher (game, commission, etc)