
All prompts

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Event prompts:

It's so quiet here... Come back later!

Draw angennies gift art for Celestial Carrots:

Now, you can submit gift art you made for other people's angennies and gain currency with it!

Reward: 10 Celestial Carrots per gift art submitted.

If you're looking for an official way to receive Celestial Carrots outside of NPC prompts, then you're at the right place!

Whether the angennies depicted flying through the skies, doing everyday activities or just posing for the screen, any gift art is accepted as long as it comply with the following rules:

- Only angennies/demonnies can be drawn and submitted as gift art to earn currency;

- You may not draw your own angennies/demonnies alone to earn currency. However, they can be included in the piece as long as other people's angennies are there too;

- Gift art don't need to have relation with the angennies official lore;

- Commissioned art cannot be submitted as gift art.

The rewards will go directly into your inventory as soon as a mod reviews your entry.

Art requirements: minimum 1 halfbody Angennie, a simple or complex background.

Writing requirements: minimum 250 words.

Submit your gift art in the comments of this profile!

NPC prompts:

Smiling Traveler


Meet Mikaela!

Reward: 20 Celestial Carrots

Mikaela is such a cute Angennie, don't you think? While most people think that they're a superstar because of their appearance, they just like to travel in Heaven, meeting new Angennies and making new friends. They seem to be very shy and reserved, but don't worry! In fact, they can be very friendly when they feel accepted, and the best way to make them feel like that is to give them some candies as a gift! After all, who doesn't loves a lil treat?

You may complete one of the two prompts below in order to receive the Celestial Carrots. If you don't own an Angennie, you can use the Angennie of someone else in your entry (with their permission, of course).

Option 1 - New friend!

Oh, seems like Mikaela and your Angennie are getting along very well! Why not capture the moment with a photo? What pose will they make?

Depict Mikaela and your Angennie taking a picture together.

Option 2 - Conquering your heart!

Mikaela seems to be in a good mood... Probably because they were gifted some treats today! What treat did they got? And how did they received it?

Depict Mikaela receiving a treat from your Angennie.

These rewards will go directly into your inventory as soon as a mod reviews your entry.

Art requirements: minimum 2 halfbody Angennies (your Angennie and Mikaela), a simple or complex background

Writing requirements: minimum 500 words

Submit your entry in the comments of this profile!

Books & Coffee


Meet Chie!

Reward: 20 Celestial Carrots

Chie is really very dedicated. She will not rest until she finds the answers she seeks to her questions, a consequence of her love for the history of her own species. Give her a good book that tells in detail about the Angennies' past, a cup of coffee and that's it, she'll be entertained for a long time. But can you name a history book that she hasn't read yet? Or can you get the amount of sugar she likes in her coffee right?

You may complete one of the two prompts below in order to receive the Celestial Carrots. If you don't own an Angennie, you can use the Angennie of someone else in your entry (with their permission, of course).

Option 1 - What a mess!

Chie is normally in charge of cleaning the research facility's library. The library, however, is huge and it seems like the mess today is worse than usual! Why not help Chie out a little, right?

Depict Chie and your Angennie cleaning the library.

Option 2 - Help with studies!

You would like to understand the story of Angennies even more, and there is no better person to explain this to you than Chie!

Depict Chie and your Angennie studying together.

These rewards will go directly into your inventory as soon as a mod reviews your entry.

Art requirements: minimum 2 halfbody Angennies (your Angennie and Chie), a simple or complex background

Writing requirements: minimum 500 words

Submit your entry in the comments of this profile!

Hellfire Ashes


Meet Aster!

Reward: 20 Celestial Carrots

Aster may not seem very friendly — and he's not one of the most friendly Demonnies, indeed — but he's always doing his best to survive in Heaven as the most wanted Demonnie. Even if you don't like the creatures of Hell, you must admit that his determination is enviable.

You may complete one of the two prompts below in order to receive the Celestial Carrots. If you don't own an Angennie, you can use the Angennie of someone else in your entry (with their permission, of course).

Option 1 - Wow, a Demonnie!

Walking through the streets of Heaven at night, your Angennie notices a strange figure running and decides to investigate where they went. They end up finding a Demonnie in an isolated cabin, and recognizes him by the "wanted" posters in the city. What would their reaction be? What would they do?

Depict Aster and your Angennie meeting for the first time.

Option 2 - Best client ever!

After knowing Aster for a long time, your Angennie and Aster can already be considered as good friends... But only from your Angennie's perspective. After all, your Angennie is the best client that Aster could ever have!

Depict your Angennie purchasing an item from Aster's Shop.

These rewards will go directly into your inventory as soon as a mod reviews your entry.

Art requirements: minimum 2 halfbody Angennies (your Angennie and Aster), a simple or complex background

Writing requirements: minimum 500 words

Submit your entry in the comments of this profile!



Paint the town!

Reward: 20 Celestial Carrots

Heaven is celebrating the arrival of pride month! all angennies are scrambling to show their spirit and pride, including Amelia, who needs your help!

You may complete one of the two prompts below in order to receive the Celestial Carrots. If you don't own an Angennie, you can use the Angennie of someone else in your entry (with their permission, of course).

Option 1 - Two is better than one!

Amelias head hung low as those pesky papers litter her desk! maybe you could help her out?

Depict Amelia and your angennies decorating around her office for pride month!

Option 2 - No procrastinating!

Your Angennie sits with Amelia at a local coffee shop instead of sitting in that boring old office.. Amelia can work on those papers another time...

Depict Amelia and your Angennies watching rainbows paint the town!

These rewards will go directly into your inventory as soon as a mod reviews your entry.

Art requirements: minimum 2 halfbody Angennies (your Angennie and Amelia), a simple or complex background

Writing requirements: minimum 500 words

Submit your entry in the comments of this profile!


Picture the Moment!

Reward: 20 Celestial Carrots

The cold breeze blows throughout heaven.. but its called upon deaf ears to the grand festival being held in the towns square for Pride month! You and Mikalea are watching as the floats go by and flags wave happily in the air.. its a wonderful day, isnt it?

You may complete one of the two prompts below in order to receive the Celestial Carrots. If you don't own an Angennie, you can use the Angennie of someone else in your entry (with their permission, of course).

Option 1 - Selfie time!!

Mika yanked out her phone and grabbed you by the shoulder, this isnt a memory for you two to forget!

Depict Mika and your angennies posing infront of the crowd while taking a selfie!

Option 2 - Show your pride!

You and Mika show your spirit by raising your flags, be proud to be yourself!

Depict Mika and your Angennies celebrating pride month!

These rewards will go directly into your inventory as soon as a mod reviews your entry.

Art requirements: minimum 2 halfbody Angennies (your Angennie and Amelia), a simple or complex background

Writing requirements: minimum 500 words

Submit your entry in the comments of this profile!