Currency guide

Check the inventory to see how many of these you have!

Celestial Carrots

Celestial Carrots are the main currency of this species. With them you can buy items and consumables at the Village Market, used for redesigning and upgrading your Angennie. You can't buy MYOs with them, however, you can trade this currency for Heavenly Salads, which will be explained better below.

To get Celestial Carrots, there are multiple methods: 

When submitting art for Celestial Carrots, it must be at minimum a halfbody Angennie with flat colors. Every and any piece submitted to Angennies may only depict:

  • Official Angennies;
  • Angennies currently submitted into the masterlist.

No exception can be made.

All art submitted must be your own, and must be made specifically for each individual submission. 

No use of bases, photos, tracing or such can be submitted. You can use these as references and as accents.

Artwork made using bases cannot earn Celestial Carrots, and may not be submitted to contests under any circumstances.

AI art is not allowed under any circumstances.

All art submitted for Celestial Carrots must follow basic species lore and rules.

Visual art conversion:

10 CC per half-body Angennie (to hips)

15 CC per full-body Angennie

10 CC for simple background

15 CC for complex background

+2 CC bonus for each NPC or Angennie you don't own

+2 CC bonus if shaded

If the art you made was commissioned and you got paid for it, you may not claim any Celestial Carrots with the piece.

We reserve the right to reject any art that seems to have been made with as little effort as possible for the purpose of grinding Celestial Carrots.

Please submit all art pieces to our gallery.

Written Pieces:

+8 CC for the first 300 words

+2 CC for each 100 words after (This caps at 2000 words)

+2 CC bonus for every NPC/Angennie you don't own integrated into the piece

All writing must be done without anything added such as authors notes, name tags on dialogue, etc.

Please check twice about the spell, grammar and capitalization so the mods can read and understand it.

Demoniac Carrots

Hey! Take care with those! If you're seen at Heaven with Demoniac Carrots, you're gonna be punished. These are the food that Demonnies need, and with them you can buy Demonnies MYOs and items with Aster, the most wanted fugitive who managed to return to Heaven as a Demonnie and now is selling these items and MYOs to Angennies in trade of DC (Demoniac Carrots) to survive. Be very careful when trading with him!

To get Demoniac Carrots, there is no other way other than participating and winning our events. More ways to gather this currency may be added in the future.