
Welcome to


Adoptasia is a group for adoptable artists to showcase and share their sales with a larger audience.
In the character section of this world you will find the individual artists and their adopts, as well as be able to search on different tags.
Alternatively, you can click on the buttons below to see specific types of adoptables.

Latest Bulletin


Creator memberships
are open!


Hello everyone!

Adoptasia is now open for Creator membership requests!
With the opening we've changed quite a few of the pages found in the "All you need to know" folder of our world pages. We ask already existing creator members of the group, as well as people who are considering to become a creator member, to go read the pages in order to be up-to-date on how Adoptasia works.

Becoming a Creator Member

Want to become a creator member of the group? Our Requesting Membership page has been updated with all the information that you will need.
We ask that you to go read it, as well as all other pages, in order to get to know the group, but here is the basic information of what you need to submit in your membership request:

  • Prefferred contact method (your TH, Discord, or other social media).
  • If you've sold adoptables before, provide a link to at minimum one active or sold adoptable so that we can see your selling etiquette. A picture of the adopt itself is not enough. If you have never sold adoptables before, then the next point is not optional for you and you need to fill it out.
  • Optional: If you want to, tell us a bit about yourself or write us anything else you might find important.

If you're already a customer member of Adoptasia and want to become a Creator member, DM either ProudDelle, Monipue, or Goldbeauti with the same information.

Updates to the Submission Etiquette

We have updated our Submission Etiquette in order to make the process of submitting adoptables to the group easier for everyone.
We've tried clearifying the guidelines and added a step-by-step guide on how to properly submit an adoptable to the group.
Additionally we've added a Submission Request Message format that everyone needs to follow when submitting their adoptables. Any adoptables that are submitted without this format will not be accepted into the group. The format is as follows:

  • Folder location: Exact folder name and location/direct link to the folder
  • Advertise for me: yes/no (If yes, you can provide a title and where to claim the adoptable. If left blank, the title and comment section of the adopt will be used)
  • Other: Optional, for anything else you want to tell us regarding the submission

The "Advertise for me:" is a feature we've introduced as we've noticed that not many creator members use the advertisement forums. Thus, we're offering to advertise for you in order to see if the advertisement forums are capable of working as a notification system. We might retire this system at a later date, so use it while it's there!

Warnings and Bans system

We've added a new page regarding warnings and bans for Adoptasia in order to make this more transparent. Most of you will likely never encounter either warnings nor bans, but we figured it is important for anyone to be able to access the information.

Any member can receive warnings. If you receive three warnings in a row of the same kind, or three warnings in a short amount of time, then you will either be demoted from Creator member to Customer member, or Customer member to no membership.
It will be very clear if a message sent to you is a warning as the title will either be labeled as such, or it will stand very clearly in the message itself.

Bans will hopefully be very rare, and so far the only ways to be banned are by stealing art or harrassing other members.

For more information on warnings and bans, go read the warnings and bans page.

We hope these changes will make everyones Adoptasia experience easier and more enjoyable, and we're excited to welcome in new creator members!

As always, if you have any questions, suggestions, feeback, or anything else then you can write it either in the respective forums, or ask ProudDelle, Monipue, or Goldbeauti directly.
We're always looking for ways to improve Adoptasia and we're happy to help in any way that we can!