Hello outlander!

Welcome, welcome to the magnificent Kamouraska Realm! Prepare to be whisked away on a wild adventure through a land teeming with fantastical creatures and landscapes straight out of your wildest dreams. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of excitement, enchantment, and a healthy dose of mischief!

In this realm, the Miyuns reign supreme, masters of trickery and wielders of luck. With their feline grace and mischievous grins, they'll keep you on your toes, never quite knowing what surprises they have up their sleeves. Oh, and don't forget about the Paradoggs! These canine connoisseurs of the sinister will make your heart skip a beat with their ominous presence and strategic minds.

But that's not all, my friend! Brace yourself for the Astral Expanse, a celestial wonderland where floating islands dance amidst a sky painted with hues of blues, purples, and pinks. It's a place where stardust breezes tickle your skin and celestial fireflies leave trails of magic in their wake. You'll be floating on cloud nine, quite literally!

So grab your sense of adventure and dive headfirst into the Kamouraska Realm. Explore the Serendipity Glade, where vibrant flora and playful Miyuns will enchant you. Dare to delve into the dark recesses of the Ebonshade Thicket, where the Paradoggs lurk, ready to challenge your wits. And of course, lose yourself in the mesmerizing beauty of the Astral Expanse, where dreams take flight and wonder knows no bounds.

Get ready, my friend, for a world like no other. The Kamouraska Realm awaits your arrival with open arms and a mischievous twinkle in its eye. Are you ready to embark on an adventure of a lifetime? Let the magic begin!


08/06/23 DR: This site gonna get an update!

10/06/23 DR: Hello i just make a little base! feel free to use click here!


  1. Please don't cause some drama on this community.
  2. Do not trolling (making NSFW images and tags another user as the artist)
  3. Stealing a character will never be tolerated.
  4. Do not intentionally provoke or annoy others for the sake of causing a reaction.
  5. Treat all members with respect and kindness. Harassment, hate speech, and discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated.





Lil boss

