Basic questions and questions often asked ^^

Q: Can I make my beatcat a cbc?

A: Sure! Feel free to design whatever you would like with your beatcat.

Q: Can I get someone else to design a beatcat for me?

A: Ofc! But remember that if you do you won't be able to design one yourself unless you own another myo!

Q: Can I sell my beatcat for money?

A: Sure!

Q: Can I void my beatcat?

A: Sure!

Q: Are off-brands alright?

A: I'd very much prefer if they weren't made! It would make me uncomfortable ^^; Not sure why you'd have to, we give out myos often!

Q: Can I make my beatcat anthro?

A: Ofc! Feral beatcats are just more common, but anthro beatcats are totally okay as well!