The Wageni

The Wageni, often referred to as The Visitors, The Caravan or The Travellers, are a nomadic tribe of toskals. Always on the Path, they never stay anywhere for longer than a couple days, journeying between south and north perpetually.

They are a peaceful, welcoming tribe, taking in everyone who feels the need to travel in the safety of a large group - be it merchants, exiles or people who seek a place for themselves in the world.

Wageni's main trade is information. They collect the spoken history and myths of other tribes, ensuring that stories are allowed to grow and evolve. They tend to serve as both informers and messengers between distant tribes, allowing them to know about any political shifts in the area.

Merchants are a common sight among the tribe - either part of the Wageni themselves, or tagging along in search of protection. They are a valuable source of exotic items for other tribes - both in terms of raw materials, such as exotic plants, and unique things crafted by others.

Despite their welcoming attitude, they remain careful around strangers joining their caravan. Those who tag along may not realize it, but they are always under the watchful -yet discreet - eye of the warriors, ensuring the safety of the whole tribe at all times.