WELCOME TO...SUN EMPRISE! . . .    ; 5 clans have been living in this territory for many years... now the first arc begins, here are the warriors! 

 our 5 clans include ; Dust'Clan, Marsh'Clan, Thicket'Clan, Summit'Clan, and Gorge'Clan.

tumblr_f373801bffaba7696282318de5303a60_IMPORTANT TERRITORY FEATURES

MOON’SHAFT; an abandoned mine located between Dust’Clan and Summit’Clans territory. medicine cats flock here on full moons to get a chance to speak with Star’Clan. the dirt walls are speckled with quartz crystals that glow at moonhigh.  

MEETING’PLACE; an abandoned farm where the clans gather monthly to discuss important topics and decisions. on occasion, they will meet loners or rouges who have sheltered there.

the clans are far apart ; taking a fast, agile cat around two days of running to reach another clan. however, summit’clan and gorge’clan are located closely- which has its drawbacks for each of them.

The distance between the clans has its advantages and disadvantages. territory and border disputes are uncommon ( except for summit & gorge ), however the distance proves to be a never ending struggle. messengers may go missing during trips, and information spreads slowly and unclearly. their monthly meetings are important for the safety and future of all clans.


the clans’ roles follow a nearly identical system to the canon warriors setup; with the addition of a new role called ‘messengers’. below is a brief description of them.

Messengers —  In charge of delivering messages to other clans. Each clan has about 2-3 messengers, and the cats who hold these roles are typically agile and fast; capable of running long distances between the clans in a small-time frame to deliver important information.