Jum'at, 10 November 2023


The Sands and Seas Welcome You.

You have roamed the world for so long, searching for a place where you can belong.

As you lay there, amidst the remains of a war, your heart fills with sorrow and dread. The ghosts of battle have gone, and only you remain. The endless horizon stretches before you. You see a light in the distance, beckoning you forward, tempting you to see what lies beyond. The end of your world is just the beginning.

You are a lost soul, seeking purpose and repentance.

Now, the Great Mother has given you one.


clonked. co-owner.

are they scrunkly...

rustbqr. co-owner.

...or are they just dead?

bapzaster. admin.

worms enthusiast.

nocten. writer.

fuecoco enthusiast.

shroomsy. writer.

cat enthusiast.

tomogotchi. mod.

bear enthusiast.

arkaingel. mod.

wing enthusiast.




Abang Raden πŸ₯°

KAMU. Forgot to wash Dishes and Laundry πŸ˜©πŸ’πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‘

Raden. You didn,t eat the soto i put on the table. Not tasty,ya . Next time buy rawon ok πŸ‘ πŸ™


❀️ Dedek Baper ❀️

Very nice . Work hard .. Semangat .! But take lots of rest ok . nakπŸ™ πŸ˜‡ Nanti bobo lagi..


Kakak πŸ‘¦πŸΎ

Nak. Museum very good yesπŸ‘. Invite bapak too next time 😘😘 LoL❀️. πŸ€—


Kak Palak πŸ’§πŸ’—

WOW .. ! Good job for the selling πŸ‘. Nice to see a young boy with good entreprenuership spirit ...