Feniseca, a continent on the southern hemisphere of the world of Wings of Fire.

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Territories and Landmarks

Posted 11 months, 12 days ago by SophisticatedChaos


Searchwings have adapted to the badlands of the northern section of Feniseca.
The Great Terrace: a massive cliff that separates Searchwing and Brutewing territories. Both tribes claim that in the midst of conflict with each other, the gods and spirits grew angry and stomped the ground to split the tribes apart.
Sonkrag's Dial: a large, natural rock that sticks right up on flat ground. Though nobody actually knows how it formed, or where it came from, it works perfectly as a sundial.


WIP. Situated just below Searchwing territory.


Cerviwings reside in the southernmost section of the continent, or the "tail", full of colossal frigid mountains.
Saint Tempest: The largest mountain situated at the tip of the continent's tail. An eternal storm rages here, and each year the storm is said to be getting worse.


WIP. Situated in the middle of the continent.


Mirewings thrive along the western coast of Feniseca, the wetlands lush with vegetation.
Subterritories: Due to the Mirewings do-it-yourself mentality, there are four massive districts belonging to the Gharial, Crocodile, Alligator, and Caiman families.
No Man's Land: the very center between the four subterritories that, of course, belong to no one family. The No Man's Land is defended viciously with guerilla warfare.

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