SYZYGY• "A pair of connected or corresponding things"


Beginning in a solar system found across the stretch of space's dark expanse, comes a story of trial and tribulation surrounding a mismatched space crew in their desperate efforts to destroy an entity more powerful than they have ever fought before. Bound by fate, time, and romance, the ANOMALY crew learns just what it takes to defeat something far greater than themselves. Members of the ANOMALY crew experience series of combat, experimentation, and dark truths about the space program they were roped into and it's leaders. Dominated by a triangular operation of power split between three individuals by the names of S. Nebula, Elna, and Apophis, there is danger at every turn.

Syzygy is a mature story based around a sci-fi futuristic theme, containing heavy elements of time manipulation and intergalactic travel, though there are multiple settings as each planet the cast travels to is a different enviornment with different technological advances. Formerly a Dungeons & Dragons campaign the characters of Syzygy contain Dungeons & Dragons elements with alterations to fit a standalone story outside of a playable campaign. Syzygy is a primarily art based original character process between a group of friends, though there may be some literatures from time to time. Please proceed with caution as there are many shennanigans ahead involving the Syzygy characters.

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A beast, a puppet, a reanimate, a harbinger, and a clone, the mismatched ANOMALY crew. Syzygy begins in a solar system lightyears away, when four of these individuals, Ezra Young, Cassius Lev, Rene Khati-Dantalion, and Azrael, find themselves captured from their home planets and placed in a combat simulation with no memory of how they got there. It's after quickly failing the experiment that they learn they've been selected to participate in "Project Helios," a galactic operation to explore unknown planets and provide resources to those in need under the instruction of S. Nebula. Tensions are high among the ship as each person onboard is desperate to fufill a personal mission they sought after before Project Helios. It is explained by project supervisors and their captain, Lady, that they are to traverse planets and activate a device that will provide prosperity to the planet and allow for Project Helios ships and organizations to gather information. Begrudgingly, the ANOMALY crew completes their missions. But tensions only rise further as a stowaway by the name of Axis makes their way on board and secrets begin to unravel. Lady seems to know more than she's letting on, and ANOMALY is disturbed by the way their devices seem to be leaving the planets once they're complete. But it all comes to a head on a planet dominated by the philantropist wizard, Apophis. It's on this planet that it's revealed that Rene is the one responsible for Ezra's curse, and by extension the death of his village. In a vicious confrontation with experiment 003, Ezra makes an attempt at escape while the rest of the crew finds themselves in custody. Several altercations and civilian deaths later, they're reunited, but far more broken than before now that secrets are out. Not just Ezra and Rene's ties, but Cassius's sworn patron, and Azrael's true purpose as a harbinger.


Their situation only grows more dire as the crew butts heads, subjected to the will of S. Nebula they're forced to continue their planetary expedition, but teamwork is out of the question for several crew members. When the ship malfunctions ANOMALY finds themselves temporarily stranded on a already explored planet. A once thriving population lay in ruin, only the ghost of their structures a sign that they were once there. The dark truth of Project Helios is exposed in transcripts among the rubble in the clutched skeletal hands of those destroyed, in ships from Project Helios, or as citizens of the population. It is here that ANOMALY learns that they're in a timeloop orchestrated by S. Nebula, Apophis, and a cult leader by the name of Elna. Their operations consist of curse experimentation, blindsided faith, and of course, galactic domination. In each timeline past, the entire crew meets a gruesome fate resulting in their reset back to square one. They haven't broken it, and each time the cycle is repeated S. Nebula grows stronger, revealed to be a mysterious worldeating entity only getting more powerful by the second. ANOMALY is crushed by the news, and outraged when Lady comes forward of having been aware of the timeline. She explains her true purpose on Project Helios, and the painful fact that in each timeline they meet their demise soon after their discovery. Discouraged and forlorn, the crew is swallowed by their grief and their newfound knowledge of what they've been doing to planets, and their past lives. It is when trying to leave the planet that an tear is formed in the expanse of space, a desperate attempt at correcting the timeline from a being similar to S. Nebula, a god and creator of harbingers. They are violently split up and cast onto different planets, divided into unusual pairs. Ezra and Azrael, Cassius and Rene, Axis and Lady.


Each planet proves difficult for it's new adventurers, putting their relationships to the test but strengthening them along the way. Fights, kidnappings, rescues, and deep fireside chats somehow only unite ANOMALY more despite their time apart. Rene returned to his father only to be brought back by Cassius after showing him what love truly could be, while she is running from a ghost of his past, Dante. Ezra is forced to confront his cursed form when he must save Azrael and faces they never thought they'd see again, whereas Azrael begins to truly grasp their harbinger abilities and what death means for the people they take care of. Lady is confronted with her morality when she is stranded on the planet with a person she has loved in every timeline, and must track down Axis after they are seperated. When they've made peace one way or another on their respective planets, ANOMALY fights to be reunited, and with a vigor absent in the previous timelines they manage to come together once more stronger than before. They seek out other Project Helios crews and information on how to destroy the big three, Aphopis, Elna, and S. Nebula. Their efforts are fruitful, though dangerous. After some time they pick off Apophis and Elna and destroy S. Nebula's intricate web of brainwashing among Project Helios crews, they ultimately break the cycle of time. By defeating S. Nebula ANOMALY proves they are not prisoners to the icy hold of fate, and have the power to write their own stories despite all odds.



The son of Apophis Dantalion, a rat amongst the crew instructed to gather information on his prize experiment, 001, Ezra Young. Rene is in the palm of his father, eagerly doing his bidding for his appraisal while struggling with the internal conflict of love and trust. It is on the ANOMALY crew where Rene learns what friendship and love are, and how deserving he is of both those things.



A cursed beast running from the sins of his past and the blood on his hands. Unaware of his true form, Ezra is hellbent on revenge for the beast he believes masacarred his village years ago. When involved with the man who cursed him, however, the truth eventually comes to light and Ezra is left to face the weight of his actions and the true culprit he once considered a friend.



A sacrifice to a cult and a victim of motherly manipulation, Cassius cannot recall the cause for her undead state, but follows the snippets fed to him by his dastardly patron leading her astray. Although finding out the truth may cause Cassius more misery than it's worth, shes determined to know what happened to the blurry faces running amok in his faded memories.



This characters profile details are still pending. To be updated soon.



A marionette strung by time, Lady is the only crew member aware of each reset. In each reset, she is destroyed and rebuilt by S. Nebula. Her bitterness for her position and their constant failures takes a toll on her leadership, but it's either play the role she's been given, or be replaced entirely with any chance of return nonexistent.



This characters profile details are still pending. To be updated soon.