
World where humanity has fallen...


An aquatic feline cs founded by tsukikagean !

This is an open to lore writing specie!

Here every member is able to participate in developing the specie's lore to encourage community interaction!

Specie sheet can be found on discord server!


Lean Owner Designer
Peony Lister
Suikou Admin Designer



[I suppose it's midnight... 2036/06/17 YY/MM/DD. The earth poles are falling apart, no one knows how long the humanity will last. Many continents and countries have been flooded. Our intercoms are failing more and more with each day. Our forces and scientists are trying their best to take control of the situation. Everyone's losing hope.] ██████ ; "Writing in the journal again are you?" The figure walks forward to the desk of the writer. C3 ; "You'll never learn how to mind your own business won't you?" C3 turned the computer off after finishing his terminal entry. "How is the research going?" ██████ ; "Haha... Terrible, we lost connection with Stockholm and Genesis, our main source of information has been flooded recently, I don't think there's anything we can do to stop the flooding at this point." C3 ; "... So we'll just have to live through it...? Well then, send the doom signal to the last quarter of the population through any intercoms available. Hoping that another conscious species will take our place instead."

█ ... █ ... █ ... 2037/09/22 YY/MM/DD. We and many other land animals are on the verge of extinction. Oceans have reached extremely high points. No luck stopping any of that 2038/01/29 YY/MM/DD. The terminal is rusted. Humanity has fallen.

And so the time passed like that ... Oh? what's that? there seems to be a microscopic life form... neither of a fish or a mammal... perhaps both? There's no one to inspect it... Approximately 230,000 years later, the aforementioned life form evolved into being able to function on higher standards... kind of like it was thousands of years ago when the humanity was still thriving... ... Forward it to the present. Let's get to the point

A new conscious species have been born. 3 million years ahead since the 7 continents have been flooded. Irumi which is a mixture of typical canine dna and squids as well as human consciousness. Also known as Vulpinus multi piscis caudatus and the larger species from the same family. Blanpis which is a mixture of canine dna and octopi as well as human consciousness on the other hand. Also known as Vulpinus Piscis densissima caudatus They were able to recreate the humanity's metropolia with resources available in waters, Have a very similar lifestyle to the hunting ages. Although their animal instincts still play a great role in their existence.

We welcome you to the world that is now called Atlantise

Next Intake

12 · 08 · 2023

On the 12th of august we'll be opening first guest artist applications! We're excited to see the designs you all will make! Stay tunned for the bulletins and announcement channel on our discord!

Next Event

Emoji Contest

20.07.2023 We're about to host a discord Emoji contest! stay tuned and look out for news in the announcement channel!
