An archipelago region a ways off the coast of Hoenn, Aihre is famous (or perhaps infamous) for the sheer density of ghosts and other weird Pokemon living on its many islands.  Aihre is situated directly over a subduction zone as well as a hotspot, and is maintained by two legends— Sutrus and Subosteus— who keep the cycle of subduction and recrystallisation going.  As such, Aihre's geology is as strange as the rest of the region.

  Barely big enough for its own league, and despite its rather tiny population, Aihre is a bustling research centre into Pokemon evolution over time.  With a temperate rainforest climate and plenty of coastal habitat, there's no shortage of interesting places to explore— not to mention the two very active volcanoes.  The Pokemon are less outwardly friendly than in other regions, but no less loyal.  
  Significantly more odd, though.

  It's said that Aihre is a contact point between this world and the next, the place where ghosts congregate in order to move over.  There is an abundance of ghost types, as well as a rather staggering diversity of other Pokemon.  The extremely high proportion of region morphs is often thought to be a result of Aihre's odd spectral energies.

  There are rumours of a very small team— Team Delta.  Not much is known about them, but the little information out there isn't encouraging.  Apparently a science-minded team, Delta is researching the possibility that humans and Pokemon are distantly related.  

  Aihre is a beautiful region, but not everything is as it seems.

  Or safe.

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