TYPE: N0 NAMES's Comments

This is so cool! 🩵


This is a little idea for incorporating Type: No names into my fictional world, Cosmomania. Just wanted to make sure it was ok with you 👍

So basically, the idea I had is that a bunch of them decided to take on space exploration (dunno if that’s a thing in the general world) but they found Cosmomania and decided to live there. I was thinking of incorporating a few cultural differences (for example the technical names could be NO[name letter]-C001).

An idea that is more character focused is that if the mask were to crack and break, they would be at risk of possibly death and would have to find a replacement of some kind (in the case of the OC, it’s a TV for a head, they would still keep the emotion eye though no more unmasked form).

Yippee 👍

that idea of the techincal name is very cool! Go ahead!

The mask part is a bit tricky. When the mask is cracked or broken, their emotions will get quite unstable. The whole mask itself is what keeps em stable, anything else to replace it (other than a new mask) would still make em weaker than they were. Plus, they would feel very uncomfortable with anything else on their heads lol. No names cant really die since they’re made of dark matter, but their health and abilities will definitely be negativity effected by it. 

Ok cool 👍 

I’ll keep that in mind :D