A world of ASTERS and ICHOR.

SYZYGY is a story about stories.

Lore doc!

(Its a little lengthy and goes in depth on a lot of lore. There is a TLDR in the bulletin board.)
SYZYGY worldbuilding literature is up! Learn some extras about the world.
its called "equinox" atm cus im too lazy to change it.

Also, its still a WIP.... so don't mind the construction :9

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TLDR for the worldbuilding doc;

Posted 10 months, 11 days ago by daeby


Tiny bits of energy called "Cosmic Matter" that have been implanted into every human's brain. Asters merge with the consciousness, and operate like a nervous system.


A vein-like system that extends from the aster to other parts of the body. Asters pump signals to the Ichor, which activates the person's "Ability."


The product of Ichor's activation that enables the user to produce powers that abuse, defy, and/or alter reality itself. I quite literally hate the comparison, but think of a MHA quirk. It's different, you just have to trust me on this.

Depending on the person, a Catalyst might be required to use an ability. Catalysts are objects that are intrinsically linked to a persons Aster, acting as an "extension" of sorts. If a person that has a Catalyst is not in physical contact with it, their Ability will not activate.

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