

Welcome to the Rapminis Nest! They are small raptor-like birds, or bird-like raptors. They normally have very chibi proportions and are based of birds, though in som cases are not. They can have any bird-like features, long tail/short tail/big wings/small wings and so on. If wanted, you can add accsesories or small additions to your Rapmini, like horns, mini hands, crests and things simular.


Rapminis have a very well developed society. Most Rapminis are equal, and only a select few are higher class.

Rapmini citizens can have their own shops, houses, and belongings. They once had a monarchy and the royal family is now only a symbol of their society and has no extra power over the citizens.


These are traits that are NOT optional when making this species:

  • Raptor Build
  • Tail
  • Wings


Raptor/Bird-like, they can come in all colors and fluffieness. Always have feathers, wings, and tail.

discord: https://discord.gg/5ck8KGWe