
Etherealis is a realm of harmonious duality, where the ethereal and the real seamlessly intertwine. Enchanted forests flourish beside crystalline cities, where the shimmering architecture seems to rise from dreams. Magic flows through the air, infusing every corner with an otherworldly glow, while ancient ruins whisper stories of forgotten sorcery. Ethereal creatures roam the landscapes, sharing space with explorers who navigate a world that straddles the border between the tangible and the intangible. In Etherealis, imagination and reality entwine, inviting adventurers to unravel the mysteries of a realm that defies conventional boundaries.

Profession & Class

  • Warrior/Knight - The Valiant Sentinel
    A stout figure adorned in gleaming armor strides into battle with unyielding resolve. The Valiant Sentinel is a master of close combat, wielding their mighty blade with a grace that belies their strength.

  • Mage/Wizard - The Arcane Enchanter
    Threads of starlight, the Arcane Enchanter channels the very essence of magic. Their fingers trace intricate patterns in the air, conjuring spells that reshape reality itself. From casting fireballs that dance with infernal fervor to weaving protective barriers that defy the laws of nature, they are the weavers of cosmic threads, bending magic to their will.
    Some Enchanters might born with an innate connection to the elements, they conjure firestorms, summon lightning, and command torrents of water.
    There is also types of magic that wizard could cast spells.

  • Rogue/Thief - The Shadowblade
    Emerging from the shadows, the enigmatic Shadowblade is a whisper in the wind, a phantom in the night. Clad in agile leather armor, they dance across the battlefield with finesse, wielding daggers that strike with surgical precision.

  • Cleric/Priest - The Divine Herald
    Bathed in an ethereal glow, the Divine Herald serves as a conduit between realms, bearing both mace and healing touch. Their faith fuels miracles that mend wounds and shield them against malevolent forces.

  • Ranger - The Nature's Warden
    Emerging from the depths of ancient woods, Nature's Warden is at one with the wild. They don attire woven from leaves and bark, and a bow rests comfortably in their hand. Masters of tracking and survival, they command the elements to their bidding, summoning animals to aid them in battle.

  • Bard - The Melodious Enchanter
    Draped in vibrant garments and carrying an instrument of their choosing, the Melodious Enchanter captivates all who cross their path. Their music weaves tales of valor and heartache, and their voice can inspire courage or sow discord.

  • Druid - The Shapeshifter
    The Shapeshifter is a guardian of the natural world. They possess the ability to transform into creatures of the wild, gaining the strengths and instincts of beasts.

  • Necromancer - The Deathweaver
    The Deathweaver draws power from the realm of the departed. With a staff that pulses with unholy energy, they command the undead, raise skeletons, and cast curses that wither their enemies.

  • Dancer - The Euphoric Muse
    The Euphoric Muse enraptures all who witness their movements. Through the grace of dance, they channel energies both spiritual and magical. Each step and twirl is a manifestation of their power, inspiring allies with enchanted auras, bewitching foes with captivating routines, and even bending the threads of fate with intricate motions.

  • Alchemist - The Elixirist
    The Elixir Artisan is a master of transmutation and potioncraft. With a satchel of mysterious ingredients, they brew elixirs that harness the very essence of the elements. These elixirs can heal wounds, enhance physical attributes, and even unleash elemental forces upon enemies.

  • Engineer - The Mechanomancer
    The Mechanomancer is a master of invention and innovation. Armed with a toolkit of mechanical wonders. From steam-powered turrets to clockwork automatons, their creations provide support and firepower. Their technical ingenuity allows them to manipulate the battlefield, constructing barriers, traps, and ingenious devices that harness the forces of science to overcome magical adversaries.

All classes have the ability to form a contract with mystical creatures and make them their familiars.

Ethereal Timeline


In the ancient times of Etherealis, the people revered mystical creatures as divine beings, often seeking their guidance and assistance. The mystical creatures were considered guardians of the delicate balance between the ethereal and the real. However, the people struggled to harness the magic that permeated their world. They possessed an innate connection to the magical essence of Etherealis, but lacked the knowledge and control to wield it effectively. In their desperation, they turned to the mystical creatures for aid, beseeching them through rituals and offerings to intervene in their daily lives.


As the realm entered a Renaissance-like period, the people of Etherealis began to unravel the secrets of magic and alchemy. Guided by a renewed curiosity and a more profound understanding of their world's intricate duality, they started experimenting with various magical practices. This led to the development of a structured system of magic, teaching the art of weaving ethereal energies with the tangible world. A significant breakthrough came in the form of forming contracts with mystical creatures, now known as familiars. These contracts required individuals to achieve a delicate balance of magical power, ensuring mutual benefit for both the person and the creature. This newfound cooperation between humans and familiars propelled Etherealis into an era of magical enlightenment, with enchantments and alchemical wonders adorning both urban centers and natural landscapes.


In the futuristic era of Etherealis, the realm has evolved into a realm of Arcanepunk, where magic and technology intertwine seamlessly. The inhabitants have harnessed the ethereal energies to power advanced machinery, resulting in an age of innovation and progress. The once-enchanted forests are now home to bustling cities suspended in the air, supported by colossal mana-powered engines. Floating ships, propelled by controlled bursts of magic, navigate the skies between these floating metropolises. Ethereal-powered communication devices have bridged gaps between distant realms, fostering exchange of knowledge and culture on an unprecedented scale.