Extended F.A.Q

Please read our 'Terms of Service' or dm a moderator directly if your question is not answered here! ^_^ IMG_1731.png

How can I make my own Faetauri?
> In order to make your own Faetauri, you will need a MYO slot. You can purchase a MYO slot in the shop, or receive one from our raffles and/or events!
  • Common MYO —⫸ $10
  • Rare MYO —⫸ $20
  • Crossbreed MYO —⫸ $25
I received a free MYO from an event, do I get access to all the rare traits?
> Unless stated otherwise, all MYO's obtained for free via a raffle, giveaway, or event reward - will always be a common Faetauri with +1 rare trait of your choice.
Can I turn my OC into a Faetauri?
> You cannot explicitly turn your original character into a Faetauri, but you may create an alternative version of them as a Faetauri - as long as you have purchased a MYO slot for them. Please follow the Trait Guide to re-create your OC as a Faetauri!
Do I need a Faetauri to join the Discord/World?
> You dont need to own a Fae to join us! All we ask is that you are an adult, and your age is clearly stated in your profile bio! ^o^
Is crossbreeding (CB) allowed?
> In order to create a crossbreed, you must own a crossbreed MYO slot. You can purchase a MYO slot in the shop, or receive one from our raffles!
  • Common MYO —⫸ $10
  • Rare MYO —⫸ $20
  • Crossbreed MYO —⫸ $25
How do Crossbreeding traits work?
> Rare Faetauri traits, such as the Fae Halo(ex) trait, should not be used unless the other species explicitly requires a Halo trait (or equivalent) as part of their mandatory traits.
Can I own twin Faetauri?
> To own a pair of Fae twins, please make sure to own 2 MYO slots of your desired rarity! Twin Faetauri must be traded/sold/gifted - together. Furthermore, Twin Faetauri must share at least 85% design similarity in appearance. Please dm a moderator on our Discord/TH World to submit your twins for approval!
Can I create a human-like version of my Fae?
> At the moment, we currently have an optional, Demi-Human version you can create for your Faetauri! Learn more in ⁠🌱┃trait-guide
How can I upgrade my Common Faetauri?
> To upgrade a Common Faetauri to the Rare tier, you must first own the shop item, Serene Gem.
Are there any trade, sell, gift cooldowns?
> Yes! For selling or trading a Faetauri, you must wait for a period of 30 days. For gifting however, you may gift the Fae after a period of 24 hours.
Can I update the masterlist image?
> Of course! Please dm a moderator the updated file image to upload onto the masterlist ✧
Can I void my Faetauri?
> You can void a Faetauri you own (or co-own with explicit approval of the other individual), you may NOT void a Faetauri that was created by a GA or Staff. These Fae will instead be placed back into circulation either by sale or giveaway.
To void a Faetauri, please dm Nui_chan!
Can I co-own my Fae with another user?
> You are allowed to co-own a Faetauri with another user. Please make sure the person you are sharing ownership with is trustworthy. During an event that the Fae is either; re-designed, traded, gifted, or sold, explicit confirmation will be required from BOTH parties.
How/when could I apply as a Guest Artist?
> GA (Guest Artist) positions are currently closed, look out for GA application bulletin announcements in our TH World for any upcoming open positions!
How can I collect Magistra cards?
> Magistra Cards are a Discord exclusive activity in which you collect cards through our leveling system, achievements, and events! All the cards you collect can be viewed and traded with other Fae owners! Wanna try collecting a card? head on over to our Magistra Library!
Can I add a Magistra card as a trade addon?
> Yes! Magistra cards have their own rarity tiers, and depending on a specific card's demand, you can add more value to a Faetauri you own!
How can I join a Witherlands Expedition?
> During the announcement of the next expedition, we will be conducting a raffle over on our Discord Server! The winners will have 1 week to prepare their Faetauri's character sheet, inventory, and/or available spells.
During the week of the expedition, the party members will be invited to the Witherlands channels required for the game.
How do I know what spells my Faetauri can use?
> Each Spell belongs to a Spell Level group, and each Spell Level group will require you Fae to have a certain amount in an Attribute, such as Wisdom or Intellect. Please head on over to the Spells section of our Combat Guide to see more, and the Witherlands Spell list to view ALL available spells and their requirements!
What happens to all the items/weapons/armors i've collected after an expedition?
> After the events of a Witherlands Expedition, all your collected items are inserted into your account inventory. In this inventory, you can check all your witherlands-collected items such as pendants and armors, as well as your total amount of Crescent Coins.
How do I obtain a 'Cursed Trait'?
> Cursed traits can only be obtained inside a Witherlands Expedition. Opening cursed chests, finding and wearing a cursed accessory, or even receiving an affliction via a monster battle can trigger a roll for a Cursed Trait.
> In the event that a Curse Roll takes place, a dice roll is performed to automatically pick one of the 3 current Cursed Traits. You will have 4 months to apply the chosen trait to the affected Faetauri. To remove a curse, please use the shop item Moon-blessed water on the cursed Faetauri of your choice.
Are there any PvP events?
> The Faetauri world hosts 2 PvP events on the (x) and (y) of the year! These events, SOTY (Star of the Year) and LFS (Last Fae Standing), offer incredible rewards to those who place high. Some of these rewards include; large amounts of Crescent Coins, exclusive OC-tailored Magistra cards, rare server achievements, shop items, and special Faetauri traits!
How can i apply for mod/volunteer positions?
> Currently we are open for 4 mod positions! If you are interested in helping the Fae please select a role and fill out its form! ^0^
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