About the Floopaloops



Floopaloops are botanical equine creatures from a special tree which have the distinction of having the properties necessary to survive in the very cold climates of their environment.

The Floopaloop live in a separate world in different mysterious territory, their part of the territory is called the (White) Furrest forest, this forest has the distinction of being very cold, it only has 2 seasons:

  • The snow season where everything is covered with snow
  • Ice season where everything is frozen

The forest is also separated into two territories:

The Velvety area where the Floopaloop live, a cold but abundant area of life! The Hirsute area, a somewhat destroyed area of the forest, where the Floopaloop exiles are sent.

Because of its climates, the living beings of this forest develop what to protect themselves from the cold, they are therefore all fluffy! (Plants, small animals, ...)


A long time ago, in a desert strewn with ice, a mysterious seed fallen from the sky managed to germinate in this hostile place for all forms of life. After a while, the young shoot becomes a huge fluffy tree with foliage like soft, thick fur.

This unusual characteristic allowed the tree to survive and even more!

A few months later, the tree created a huge golden bulb which hatched at dawn. Within it was a young equine creature just as fluffy as the tree!

She was called Dawn Legacy and she was the first Floopaloop born.

She grows very quickly and apart from the tree, she had no one to keep her company.

One day, plagued by her loneliness, the young Floopa felt very bad and wept against the immense trunk of the tree. Suddenly, the branches of the latter began to move, intrigued, Dawn flew away to see what was happening and that's how she saw a flower. She tried to smell the flower but it made her sneeze, then a golden powder fell from the floof of her chest. This lodged on the flower and caused the appearance of a multitude of other flowers. All of them turned into bulbs and a large light passed through the tree, spreading through the ground. This is how the desert became an icy forest composed of fluffy trees smaller than the big tree. Life also appeared and with it, little fluffy creatures.

Three first bulbs hatched a few days later. The first had a small, hard floopa of character, the second, a more sensitive floopa and the last had an arrogant little floopa.

More Floopa hatched after that! Dawn was overjoyed and became the leader of this new people!


These are traits that are NOT optional when making this species:

  • Moostaloops
  • Floofboobs
  • Floofbutts


The Floopaloop use the help of the Floopatree to reproduce. They have in their fur a kind of powder, The FLoopaloop couple sprinkles this powder over a flower of the tree and the flower will then turn into a bulb which will bloom into a Baby Floopaloop!