mod help

scam/user report

to report problem users, scammers, or users who you believe you need to be warned about!
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where you can submit suggestions, or ideas to help better the world!!
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mod/admin applications!

always looking for people willing to help!!
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Contact a mod

For quick and easy contact!!
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ads n stuff

raffle ads!

advertise your raffles and talk about them!
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adopts ads!

advertise you adopts and batches!
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characters things

character design help

help people with their character designs!!
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character disscusion!

character asks, games, and discussion! talk about your goobers and the world their in!!
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arts n crafting

art show

show off your art!! ask for feedback and such!
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LF: art, oc, and everything else

Are you looking for something specific? Then ask if someone has it here!!
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help and resorces

commission/adopts pricing!

get help figuring out your commission's price range! remember, no lowballing, bullying, or judgment toward styles! be nice an respectful!
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