The Vanishing City

This is a WIP made available for information on the setting! Please do not ask to join unless you are invited to!
The basic layout setup is done but not all information is filled in.

How it all began...

Used to be (or at least, was planned to be) a tourist destination city called Ammira, located on Earth in the 50s-60s.
A natural disaster halted construction progress long enough for the "modern marvel" appeal to fade out, and a lack of funding and interest caused the city to be abandoned.
Mysteriously the city was guarded by military-level security, so not much could be documented about it as it decayed... then one day it seemed to just be gone? Not even demolished remains in its place. Just gone.

Turns out it was being used as a base of operations by some shady scientists that were making contact with an ancient, powerful deity bound to a void.
The pact they made changed the city's destiny forever.

Story Plot

genre mashup horror-surival sci-fi fantasy dystopian 16+

"The Vanishing City." So-named because it will mysteriously manifest itself in different areas throughout the universe- sometimes even different dimensions. There is no rhyme or reason to where it appears, save for the subterranean deity's whims.
And once you enter, it is very, very difficult to leave.

Located throughout the city are various "threshholds" that denote where the city displays spatial abnormalities. In some areas, you wander off into wasteland you will never return from. In others, you find yourself transported to the opposite side of the city, as though you're in a tiling video game. Small sections of these threshholds may open up to allow people to wander in, but it is very rare for anybody to wander out as threshhold spots are usually avoided for various reasons, and it can only open while no one is currently observing it.
The wastelands should be avoided at all costs. Not only is the climate completely uninhabitable by most mortal beings, but it is occupied by something unknown...

The residents of the city have developed their own methods of surviving this horrible place. Very few supplies come into the city, so a lot of what is there has to be strictly rationed. Skillsets involving mending or making cloth and other materials, growing crops, and medical care are highly valued.
Combat skills are also a must for city explorers.
The city is hostile enough during the day due to run-ins with other survivor groups, but at nightfall... there are monsters.



Dismeil is host to a variety of different languages, especially due to how it appears in various different worlds and dimensions. And then Dismeil has some of its own dialects from these various cultures merging. Being able to communicate with other survivors in Dismeil is one of the most challenging problems with survival there.


The primary clothing style is ... recycled and practical. Very little effort is spent in fashion, as Dismeil is very demanding when it comes to time management.
Lightweight armor is the most common thing seen, and there may be some personal touches thrown in, but overall most people prefer to not stand out very much, as it may be seen as having an excess of resources, which is basically an invitation for a raid.
Clothes are usually washed by hand, or in various DIY washers utilizing items like plastic or metal barrels. Materials are scarce, so patchwork/slightly mis-matched clothing is common. And not a lot of dyes are available, so undyed cotton is very common. That said, some plants may be worth cultivating for camouflaging dyes - white is very conspicuous.


Small plot farms and small game meat are the most common sources of food in Dismeil. Makeshift greenhouses appear throughout the city, many of which reinforced and guarded.
The most prized food crops are legumes, leafy greens, squashes, and potatoes. These are all easy to grow and provide a variety of nutrients.
There are not a lot of native animals, and some that used to exist were hunted to extinction, but the city does occasionally let in some wildlife. Deer that wander in are coveted as they can feed a small group for a long time. Various groups have tried to keep deer as livestock, but this often ends in the animals being slaughtered by monsters, or other survivor groups stealing them.
Goats, rabbits, and poultry are the most common livestock animals. Eggs and cheeses are high-value trading items.


Etiam interdum lacus purus, non tincidunt arcu sollicitudin a. Curabitur vestibulum ornare semper. Curabitur ac volutpat neque. Phasellus nec neque vel odio finibus interdum eu sed leo. Nam eget congue orci. Cras molestie gravida eros, at aliquet lorem luctus at. Mauris faucibus quis ex non euismod. Proin lobortis id elit et ornare. Cras sit amet porta erat, et aliquet libero. Ut bibendum, mi et iaculis pellentesque, dui enim aliquet purus, non maximus quam diam vitae tortor.


Praesent egestas sollicitudin dui, in feugiat lacus maximus ac. Aliquam ac tellus tortor. Vivamus mi dolor, dictum vitae massa id, tristique commodo lacus. Donec eget libero vel nibh accumsan luctus nec non nibh. Donec tincidunt varius libero. Donec ut erat aliquam, accumsan mi id, mattis neque. Aenean sit amet sollicitudin mi, sed tincidunt libero. Integer ut lobortis quam. Etiam faucibus a ligula id iaculis. Quisque porta diam nec leo euismod facilisis vitae eu est.



The city favors those that worship The Old One. They receive the best, most helpful gifts.
Of course, most people in the city are not very grateful to be stuck there.


The scientists that founded the city are at the top of the hierarchy. They have been given the very first gifts, and are immune to receiving any "natural" ones. They are also unable to age, are conditionally immortal. (They can probably die by some methods, but these methods are not known).

There would also be the military personnel that first watched over the city during its initial phases, many of them were in the know about the operations and were given the same option - rare and wonderful gifts in exchange for worship. Those that agreed are in a similar situation to the researchers - immortality and immunity to new gifts.

Most residents do not have immunity to new gifts, no matter how detrimental.

The Deity

Referred to as "The Old One"

A shapeless, ancient being. Manifests as weird fleshy growths in a maze of tunnels (whether that be sewer systems, burrows, or caverns) located beneath the city.
It is very much not recommended to explore the areas that the Old One lives. You will probably get lost, or consumed.
The magic sustaining the city must come from somewhere.

Places of Worship

Description of places of worship. Etiam interdum lacus purus, non tincidunt arcu sollicitudin a. Curabitur vestibulum ornare semper. Curabitur ac volutpat neque. Phasellus nec neque vel odio finibus interdum eu sed leo. Nam eget congue orci. Cras molestie gravida eros, at aliquet lorem luctus at. Mauris faucibus quis ex non euismod. Proin lobortis id elit et ornare. Cras sit amet porta erat, et aliquet libero. Ut bibendum, mi et iaculis pellentesque, dui enim aliquet purus, non maximus quam diam vitae tortor.


Description of religious practices (praying, offerings, gathering, etc.). Praesent egestas sollicitudin dui, in feugiat lacus maximus ac. Aliquam ac tellus tortor. Vivamus mi dolor, dictum vitae massa id, tristique commodo lacus. Donec eget libero vel nibh accumsan luctus nec non nibh. Donec tincidunt varius libero. Donec ut erat aliquam, accumsan mi id, mattis neque. Aenean sit amet sollicitudin mi, sed tincidunt libero. Integer ut lobortis quam. Etiam faucibus a ligula id iaculis. Quisque porta diam nec leo euismod facilisis vitae eu est.


Description of religious myths or teachings (what they are, where they can be found (book, oral tradition, papyri, etc.), etc.). Praesent egestas sollicitudin dui, in feugiat lacus maximus ac. Aliquam ac tellus tortor. Vivamus mi dolor, dictum vitae massa id, tristique commodo lacus. Donec eget libero vel nibh accumsan luctus nec non nibh. Donec tincidunt varius libero. Donec ut erat aliquam, accumsan mi id, mattis neque. Aenean sit amet sollicitudin mi, sed tincidunt libero. Integer ut lobortis quam. Etiam faucibus a ligula id iaculis. Quisque porta diam nec leo euismod facilisis vitae eu est.


Describe beliefs of religion (life, afterlife, search for meaning, ethics and morals, etc.). Vivamus aliquam, libero non tempus tempor, nunc sem vehicula felis, nec aliquet sapien dui nec lectus. Nam tempor porttitor suscipit. Suspendisse commodo nec nisi in condimentum. Vivamus et interdum erat. Vivamus suscipit quam leo, sit amet scelerisque tellus malesuada nec. Curabitur sagittis a odio at varius. Nunc finibus ligula eget velit consequat sollicitudin. In at augue vulputate, hendrerit justo imperdiet, porta dui. Aliquam at porttitor dui.



Description of type of government. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus. Vivamus eu tellus in nibh ultricies tristique a vitae eros. Vivamus aliquam, libero non tempus tempor, nunc sem vehicula felis, nec aliquet sapien dui nec lectus. Nam tempor porttitor suscipit. Suspendisse commodo nec nisi in condimentum. Vivamus et interdum erat. Vivamus suscipit quam leo, sit amet scelerisque tellus malesuada nec. Curabitur sagittis a odio at varius. Nunc finibus ligula eget velit consequat sollicitudin. In at augue vulputate, hendrerit justo imperdiet, porta dui. Aliquam at porttitor dui.


Description of economic type and situation. Aliquam nulla dolor, sodales a tristique eu, tristique sit amet nisi. Aenean vitae posuere ligula. Suspendisse pharetra dapibus nibh ac aliquam. Suspendisse convallis odio id nibh facilisis, a tempus nisl tristique. Phasellus feugiat scelerisque felis, vel tincidunt tellus vehicula eu. Nam posuere quis felis at ultricies. Sed quis lorem sit amet elit elementum feugiat sit amet et orci. Cras ut leo id turpis eleifend pretium at vel nisi.


Description of different occupations available (agriculture, technology, arts, etc.). Sed rutrum fermentum blandit. Vivamus vehicula eu nulla ut ultricies. Suspendisse pulvinar dignissim lorem. Pellentesque a dignissim diam. Donec tortor lacus, imperdiet in est ut, consectetur mollis massa. Aliquam convallis purus id augue iaculis blandit. Sed mattis condimentum tellus non maximus. Donec dictum, nisl et interdum tincidunt, quam nisi sagittis risus, vitae tincidunt neque nisi a tortor.


Description of available technology. Etiam interdum lacus purus, non tincidunt arcu sollicitudin a. Curabitur vestibulum ornare semper. Curabitur ac volutpat neque. Phasellus nec neque vel odio finibus interdum eu sed leo. Nam eget congue orci. Cras molestie gravida eros, at aliquet lorem luctus at. Mauris faucibus quis ex non euismod. Proin lobortis id elit et ornare. Cras sit amet porta erat, et aliquet libero. Ut bibendum, mi et iaculis pellentesque, dui enim aliquet purus, non maximus quam diam vitae tortor.


Description of types of living. Praesent egestas sollicitudin dui, in feugiat lacus maximus ac. Aliquam ac tellus tortor. Vivamus mi dolor, dictum vitae massa id, tristique commodo lacus. Donec eget libero vel nibh accumsan luctus nec non nibh. Donec tincidunt varius libero. Donec ut erat aliquam, accumsan mi id, mattis neque. Aenean sit amet sollicitudin mi, sed tincidunt libero. Integer ut lobortis quam. Etiam faucibus a ligula id iaculis. Quisque porta diam nec leo euismod facilisis vitae eu est.

How it Works


All mutations and gifted magic obtained through residency in Dismeil is from the subterranean deity. As such, all of the magic that can be obtained is Divine and Spectral, like The Old One.


For as long as The Old One is worshiped, and for as long as various people and creatures wander off into the wastelands or the tunnels below the city, the magic for the Gifts will remain plentiful.

Every single resident, if given enough time, will obtain at least one gift. Those that are not in the highest favor of the Old One will continue to get gifts until either they die, they somehow manage to leave, or they receive a gift or mark that gives them a magical compulsion to enter the tunnels and be consumed. This compulsion cannot be ignored if the being is less powerful than The Old One.


The "gifts" by The Old One are not the only magic that exists within Dismeil, as there may be beings that were already magical prior to arriving.

However, the Old One's gifts can be obtained simply by existing within the city. Over time, its residents will change. Those that worship The Old One will be directly given very useful gifts, and may be granted immunity to obtaining changes "naturally" through residency.
Residents may also force chaotic changes to happen very quickly by crossing over threshholds. Going back and forth over one boundary isn't productive (especially since the threshholds are not a clear-cut boundary line you can detect), but making continuous loops around the city is very productive. The more loops made, the more intense the changes. This is extremely not recommended.

There is also a river that cuts through a forested part of the city and leads to and from wastelands. The water is very supernatural in properties, and uncommonly a source of physical mutations, and rarely a source of strange magical abilities. The water is not safe for most people to drink, and submerging in it is also a physical health risk. The tradeoff that you may get a gift from the river is typically not worth attempting. It is also said to be infested with mutant aquatic life.


Magical Abilities

There are many possibilities of magical abilities that could be acquired, and there usually is not a reason any given person would be given something, unless they are in high favor of The Old One. Such highly-favored residents usually end up with defensive magic, a lot of resistances, ability to drink the river water without consequence, and immortality for the most favored.

Magic with a lot of association with shadows and ghosts are extremely common.

Very typical abilities for general residents (not favored in any manner) include increased strength, speed, agility, and durability. As well as the ability to produce light (especially in the form of small floating wisps) and the ability to seemingly disappear in shadows.
Uncommonly, those without any favor may also obtain magic such as: better regeneration, force field generation, telekinesis, illusion detection and creation, intangibility, levitation, shadow manipulation, disarming scream, and object manipulation that rearranges but does not change material. Protection from the UV rays and the unique climate of Dismeil are also uncommonly found in this group.
Rarely, they may obtain magic such as: ability to heal others, malleable anatomy (a form of shape-shifting that retains original mass), energy projectile generation, intangibility, advanced alchemy, and resistances to various forms of physical and magical attacks, as well as immunity to the ill effects of the river water. Immortality is also possible to obtain without being in the highest favor, but it is very rare. And those given immortality that are not worshipers of The Old One may be targeted by the deity or their markbranders, which are high-favored residents with the ability to "mark" others to have a compulsion to enter the tunnels. Immortality given by city unfortunately does not save anyone from being devoured by The Old One.

Not all magic obtained is very useful or intended to help its residents survive. Some may make them more likely to be killed, such as becoming a beacon for some of the monsters that wander the night.

Physical Alterations

Almost anything goes with physical changes.
The most common sorts are color alterations of smaller areas (including things like pupils and blood), and changes to things like proportion (especially an increase in height or limb length), greater bone and muscle density, and increased flexibility.

Uncommon ones include complete color palette alterations, additional eyes (usually accompanied by magical properties given to said eyes), additional limbs, natural armor, and the gradual transformation into another sort of creature, usually of a similar size.

Highly-favored residents may get to pick physical alterations if they ask for them, and those in the highest favor will not alter any further.

It is pretty rare to obtain wings capable of sustained flight, and may take years for developing wings to get to that point. It is also decently rare for any transformations into another creature to drastically change from the former body size.
The rarest sort of physical alterations would be things that rapidly transform the entire body in a short period of time, but this can happen with looping around the city enough times.


Species Name

edible poisonous perennial

Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.

Species Name

tag tag tag

Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.

Species Name

tag tag tag

Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.

Species Name

tag tag tag

Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.



alt folkloreharmlessuncommon

A relatively docile creature that is more curious than aggressive. More likely to make a lot of awful noises than attack, but they do have some mean teeth and they're not afraid to use them if they're cornered. Known to steal food and small livestock, and are often killed because of their talent for doing so.

Qiurlani / "Howlers"


Latin querulus : complaining, whining, lamenting.
These creatures are about the size of medium dogs (35-50 lbs or 16-23 kg)
Pack-hunting fiends that are most known for their sickening howls.
Only active at night. Deterred by sunlight.

Species Name

tag tag tag

Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.

Species Name

tag tag tag

Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.

Species Name

tag tag tag

Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.

Species Name

tag tag tag

Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.

Species Name

tag tag tag

Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.

Species Name

tag tag tag

Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.

The Founders



One of the original reasearchers that made contact with The Old One.



One of the original reasearchers that made contact with The Old One.



One of the original reasearchers that made contact with The Old One.



One of the original reasearchers that made contact with The Old One.



Captain of the former guardsmen hired prior to making contact with The Old One. New role to be determined.



Second-in-command of the guards. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.



Former military guard. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.



Former military guard. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.



Former military guard. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.



Former military guard. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.

That's all for the surviving founders.

Leaders & Noteworthy Residents



The leader of a clan of vampires known as The Vampyir. Almost every member of this faction is a vampire, and those that aren't usually will be soon.



Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.



Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.



Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.

The rest



Being a robot in a place like this has many upsides.
Unfortunately, you need someone who can repair you if things go wrong.



Not Samantha.
One of her "gifts" was natural armor (not shown), making her a useful combat ally.



Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.



Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.



Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.



Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.



Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.



Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies ante dapibus risus porttitor, vitae scelerisque ex viverra. Duis et turpis lacus.

Key Locations


Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus et maximus urna, sed ornare nulla. Suspendisse vel enim eros. Integer est ligula, consequat nec vulputate eu, fermentum a libero. Donec mi lectus, sollicitudin cursus egestas et, cursus id odio. Sed pellentesque ante erat, in scelerisque mauris aliquet et. Sed sit amet enim rhoncus, vestibulum lectus vitae, varius mauris. Sed dui mi, vehicula et luctus eget, fermentum et ligula. Fusce hendrerit ultrices eros, a consectetur eros aliquet at. Donec ante magna, ultrices ac metus nec, tincidunt auctor est. Aenean tristique eleifend massa quis congue.


Description. Sed dapibus sapien non feugiat condimentum. Fusce arcu quam, porta quis urna et, tempus pretium diam. Donec nibh ante, convallis et sem ac, lobortis ullamcorper nisl. Donec ultricies eros porttitor efficitur fringilla. Morbi finibus leo non nulla rutrum maximus. Proin fermentum id enim mattis volutpat. Vestibulum quis arcu tincidunt, faucibus sem sed, scelerisque nibh.

Noteworthy Spots


Description. Curabitur ante mi, aliquet imperdiet sem in, lacinia vehicula libero. In luctus nunc at nunc euismod dapibus. Maecenas porta elit id semper molestie. Proin scelerisque neque diam, ut consectetur orci volutpat a. Maecenas feugiat sem vitae sem bibendum, at venenatis nulla suscipit. Fusce finibus, orci id accumsan elementum, eros sapien scelerisque quam, eu scelerisque enim tortor a tortor. Vestibulum cursus porttitor arcu, eget condimentum eros consectetur eget. Phasellus sit amet purus ante. Fusce fringilla tellus lobortis purus auctor consequat.


Description. Integer cursus tellus neque, lobortis aliquam quam posuere eget. Quisque ut ex ac turpis ullamcorper semper. Mauris a mi ipsum. Nam turpis turpis, consectetur ac sem quis, sodales venenatis sapien. In vestibulum dui mi, vel semper odio placerat at. Fusce auctor dui non lobortis ultrices. Aenean dapibus ipsum in risus vulputate vehicula. Aenean sed magna ac metus placerat iaculis. Nunc in felis quis quam scelerisque molestie. Suspendisse sed neque condimentum, lacinia lorem sed, porta lectus. Aliquam ullamcorper, dolor quis fermentum consequat, velit ipsum accumsan orci, aliquet pulvinar arcu nunc quis lorem. Curabitur ultricies, sapien quis dapibus mollis, tellus neque auctor lorem, eget ornare odio ipsum ac diam.



Description. Duis eros erat, suscipit in nibh at, commodo consequat lacus. Fusce elementum nulla nisi, nec semper augue vehicula vitae. Ut gravida risus sit amet sem blandit, et fermentum libero molestie. Donec posuere pellentesque elit. Maecenas quis sollicitudin velit. Mauris euismod hendrerit sapien eu tempus. Ut non tristique augue, semper sodales nunc. Vestibulum ullamcorper posuere dolor non facilisis.


Description. Duis eros erat, suscipit in nibh at, commodo consequat lacus. Fusce elementum nulla nisi, nec semper augue vehicula vitae. Ut gravida risus sit amet sem blandit, et fermentum libero molestie. Donec posuere pellentesque elit. Maecenas quis sollicitudin velit. Mauris euismod hendrerit sapien eu tempus. Ut non tristique augue, semper sodales nunc. Vestibulum ullamcorper posuere dolor non facilisis.


Description. Duis eros erat, suscipit in nibh at, commodo consequat lacus. Fusce elementum nulla nisi, nec semper augue vehicula vitae. Ut gravida risus sit amet sem blandit, et fermentum libero molestie. Donec posuere pellentesque elit. Maecenas quis sollicitudin velit. Mauris euismod hendrerit sapien eu tempus. Ut non tristique augue, semper sodales nunc. Vestibulum ullamcorper posuere dolor non facilisis.


Description. Duis eros erat, suscipit in nibh at, commodo consequat lacus. Fusce elementum nulla nisi, nec semper augue vehicula vitae. Ut gravida risus sit amet sem blandit, et fermentum libero molestie. Donec posuere pellentesque elit. Maecenas quis sollicitudin velit. Mauris euismod hendrerit sapien eu tempus. Ut non tristique augue, semper sodales nunc. Vestibulum ullamcorper posuere dolor non facilisis.



The city is about 170 square miles (440 km2) in total area and 13 miles (20.8 km) long. This is about the size of Wichita, Kansas; or West Yorkshire Built-up Area, England.


Description of meaning (capitol, city, forest, etc.).
Description of meaning.
Description of meaning.
Description of meaning.
Description of meaning.
Description of meaning.

The Districts


Description. Sed dapibus sapien non feugiat condimentum. Fusce arcu quam, porta quis urna et, tempus pretium diam. Donec nibh ante, convallis et sem ac, lobortis ullamcorper nisl. Donec ultricies eros porttitor efficitur fringilla. Morbi finibus leo non nulla rutrum maximus. Proin fermentum id enim mattis volutpat. Vestibulum quis arcu tincidunt, faucibus sem sed, scelerisque nibh.


Description. Sed dapibus sapien non feugiat condimentum. Fusce arcu quam, porta quis urna et, tempus pretium diam. Donec nibh ante, convallis et sem ac, lobortis ullamcorper nisl. Donec ultricies eros porttitor efficitur fringilla. Morbi finibus leo non nulla rutrum maximus. Proin fermentum id enim mattis volutpat. Vestibulum quis arcu tincidunt, faucibus sem sed, scelerisque nibh.


Description. Sed dapibus sapien non feugiat condimentum. Fusce arcu quam, porta quis urna et, tempus pretium diam. Donec nibh ante, convallis et sem ac, lobortis ullamcorper nisl. Donec ultricies eros porttitor efficitur fringilla. Morbi finibus leo non nulla rutrum maximus. Proin fermentum id enim mattis volutpat. Vestibulum quis arcu tincidunt, faucibus sem sed, scelerisque nibh.


Description. Sed dapibus sapien non feugiat condimentum. Fusce arcu quam, porta quis urna et, tempus pretium diam. Donec nibh ante, convallis et sem ac, lobortis ullamcorper nisl. Donec ultricies eros porttitor efficitur fringilla. Morbi finibus leo non nulla rutrum maximus. Proin fermentum id enim mattis volutpat. Vestibulum quis arcu tincidunt, faucibus sem sed, scelerisque nibh.

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