Bad Blessings
What would happen if, instead of humans cluelessly being subjects to divine and occult interventions, suffering or thriving on their watch, they were the ones, still without knowing, influencing how the forces of Heaven (and Hell) operate ?

Bad Blessings is a colourful retelling of many religious myths, mainly those from Christian and Hebrew theology, which critiques human approaches to divinity and faith, amongst other things.

The story is very critical of the topics it approaches - religion, community, authority, family and fate. It assigns complex human psychology to supernatural characters, morphing it into something othrworldly, forcing the reader to observe the story's characters as something beyond human bounds.

Bad Blessings takes inspiration from many other works of fiction, the most notable being the shows Good Omens and The Boys, literary works The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, Paradise Lost by John Milton and The Bible, as well as international mythologies, Slavic and Ancient Greek to name a few.

Themes and motives which Bad Blessings explores are those of queerness, love, manipulation, lust for power, abuse of religious might, hatred, rebellion, empathy, curiosity, sin, consequences of one's actions, relationships, social psychology, hiveminds, propaganda, death, a clash of cultures etc.

mythic fiction
protag. projection

A curious demon teen eager to learn more about his heritage and what it means to be a demon. He has his fair share of worries, though.

protag. confidant

A timid, gentle giant that is the Wrath Prince of Hell plays the role of Sokki's mysterious caretaker. Even if his life seems good as is, there are things about his origin he has yet to discover.

deuteragonist sidekick

Sokki's fallen angel peer who unfortunately found himself separated from his family after being caught for sinning in Heaven. Him and the demon soon become friends and start unfluencing each other.

confidant mentor

Hell's mother figure who attempts to be the same for Ruzgoroth. As a mistress of dreams, she attempts to speak to him through his subconcious.

deuteragonist insight

Michael is a highly respected Archangel who hides her friendship with Prince Ruzgoroth. Thanks to her wit, she's able to hide it away from watchful eyes.


God's first angel, the angelic embodiment of God and most deserving of being titled Heaven's ruler. For the past few decades, however, it seems they have... disappeared.

deuteragonist lover

The Metatron's protector, Cherubiel is an angel tightly bound by his God given oath. He wishes nothing more but to prove himself worthy of the Metatron and his presence. Except to have a friend, perhaps.

antagonist foil

The King of all angels, His Grace of Heaven, the Metatron is an angel of many titles. Some fear him, most adore him - what is there not to like? He's quite a beauty.

Heaven & Hell

Heaven and Hell are neighbouring realms, intended long ago to exist in peace and unision. Thanks to tensions between the realms' Lords, and human-made relations, a quiet distaste remains the impression one realm holds of another.

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Photos from Unsplash
Artwork by s0kkix

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How scary !

Posted 30 days, 15 hours ago by s0kkix