Written traits

Main traits

- Doll joints

- Corsets

- Wings

- Eye lace

- Glass thighs

- Back lace mouth

- Back eye

- Body Lace

Doll joints traits

Must be the same color as the liquid in the glass and must have acessorries where the joints meet the body

-  Common - 1-2 solid color, no gradients. ball joints

- Uncommon -  3-4 colors, gradients, stitched  or patchwork joints

- Rare - 5+ colors, patterns, glass vial joints


All prophets have unremovable corsets! Corsets do not restict the body! so body type is not affected due to the corset style being a part of the body instead of a seperate object

Back of the corset must have a mouth either vertical or horizontal that has lace or string over it!

Style of corset is not limited to rarity go wild!

- Common - Corset goes under the bust

-  Uncommon & Rare - Corset  may go mid bust or over the bust


Wings are mandatory! colors are not limited to rarity

Mandatory wing placement

Must only have 1 pair of each!

- head
- hips

Not mandatory but may be added

- Common -  Mandatory wings only!, may have  patterns! made of feathers

- Uncommon - Neck, ankles, may be made of bones, skin(devil wings), may have 2 pairs of mandatory wings and 1 - 2 pairs of the any uncommon wings

-  Rare - joints can have wings,  may be made of anything not listed of the lower rarity,   may have a odd number of wings

Eye Lace

All prophets 1 or all eyes covered in eyelace! they can be any style its not limited to rarity

Glass thighs

The vial part of the body of a prophet  holds the liquid of their god nemesis. this blood is poisonous to other creatures. This liquid has charms in it sometimes the charms look like animals

- Common - 1 type of charm,  1-2 colors! gradients are avaliable

- Uncommon - 2 types of charms, 3-4 colors! charm animals are avaliable

- Rare  - 3+ types of charms, 5+ colors! may have organic materials in it (example  human body parts)

Laced body

All prophets have laced mouth on their limbs! exactly like the back mouth!

Back eye

Must have a back eye. back eye must match main eyes! if main eyes are covered in back lace the back eye will have a black sclera

Pointed legs

False prophets do not have feet! Instead they have pointed legs this allows them to move much faster to make their jobs easier