FL4 - Gemstown Forest

Gemstown Forest


"Fourth Floor."

The opening scene is a small field of vibrant wildflowers and tall, super soft grass and giant elephant-ear ferns. There's always something rustling somewhere and birdsong can always be heard, day or night. The sun above is a playful hamster in its sunwheel. This is Bayleaf Field, the home of the Gemstown Bunnies. Little mounds are hidden among the grass and small, round doors show the entrances to each room with a path between each of the doors, twisting and winding through the grass.

Inside each rounded house is a typical Bunny home, two cozy little rooms, one for hosting and one for sleeping. Depending on the Bunny, sometimes that front room gets used for other things, like bookshelves, or plants, a seashell collection or a giant telescope with domed skylight.

The surrounding forest is the main playground of the Bunnies, known as Glitter Forest. Every vibrant tree glitters with gem-encrusted leaves, sparkling in the sun the higher in the canopy one can reach. The underbrush is thick, with the darker gems, but the shadows hold no secrets nor fears. The only predators are the rock foxes, who are more interested in chasing bunnies for sport when the rabbits venture too far into the rocky Spiral Ravine to the north.

Spiral Ravine is a broad expanse of rocky desert-like area with an enormous spiral crack in the earth. The center is the home of the rock foxes, who are very territorial when they think someone's there to steal their gems, including one another. Spotty trees grow through the rocks, providing a little bit of shade here and there, but the sun hits blindingly on the sparkly stones scattered amid the desert.

Beyond the Spiral Ravine is the Quiet Shores. Much like its name, the water laps the bright sandy shores quietly. The soft trill of the seabirds is distant and thousands of seashells litter just beneath the water.