Lore 💧

Flowphine Lore!

In the Beginning.

Every Flowphine started out as a droplem, long before today.

When the human population began to rise exponentially a few hundred years ago, so did the population of Droplems, going from just a few hundred to well over ten thousand of the creatures. With simple drop-like forms, they did not much but eat and sleep all day. They did have one major interest, however:

The Droplems were engrossed in the lives of humans, fascinated by how they went about their day to day lives, their art, writing and entertainment seeming otherworldly to these simple creatures. To their dismay, however, they could not interact with them due to their small forms and lack of speech. Some tried, but humans, curious as they always are, tried to capture Droplems to inspect them. This was the catalyst for the Droplems' wish to gain a more human-like form, wishing to interact with these beings on similar terms and understand what they said.

Determination and a God

While some kept wishing to be part of the human world, watching from the sidelines, the smarter Droplems among them decided to try and investigate for themselves. A clan of these Droplems banded together and headed on an odyssey to find a way to help them integrate with humans, travelling seas and mountains until they found themselves a friendly god.

The god listened to the wishes of the Droplems, and her kind soul took them to heart, promising that she'd help them integrate with humans. The God and the Droplems discussed all through the night the possibilities of what the solution may be…
They then agreed upon the idea of giving the Droplems new humanoid forms and the ability of speech so that they could communicate with humans. They would be able to split their souls in two, keeping both their Droplem forms and building a new, human form. A Flowphine.

Becoming Flowphines

Using a gift from the god, a Riem, the Droplems split into their two forms, the Flowphine being built from their simple forms. They took the desires to become humanoid from the souls and formed into these beings. The Droplems, having watched the humans for years, had realised something crucial, humans loved their animal companions, caring for them sometimes more than other humans, so as Flowphines, they developed animalistic traits. Their liquid souls still showed, notably on their torso, making their origins clear.

Coming Home

The Flowphine's thanked the god profusely, with their new power of speech, and make the trek back to their homeland, albeit much easier with their new human limbs.

When they returned, they gave the extra Riems to the other Droplems in their clan, allowing them to also turn into Flowphines. Later, more clans learnt how to craft these Riems, causing almost every Droplem to gain a Flowphine form.


It was time for their true wish to come true, meeting the humans. For some Flowphines, integrating with Humans was easy, joining in with their human lives and gaining human jobs and engaging in human entertainment, whilst others struggled to become friendly with them, becoming outcasts in the societies they tried to join or falling into isolation. But as time progressed, each Flowphine developed their own unique personalities and knowledge of humanity. Some stayed in Flowphine clans whereas others fully joined human societies, some were hunted by humans that still couldn't accept them and some still watched from afar. The Flowphines still live among us to this day


Stay tuned for more lore!


Stay tuned for more lore!

Layout by Volvom | Code by Aurorean