
Arpines (Lupuericius Ventus, lit. "Windy Porcupine Wolf") are a long-lived humanoid carnivorous mammalian species native to the world of Krathal. Arpines evolved to be the apex predator of their home environment and are considered very efficient hunters armed with retractable claws, extreme bite force similar to that of hyenas, high strength, and keen senses. They are normally pack hunters but are quite capable on their own. They are also capable of digesting even the bones of their prey, thus Arpines waste nothing, and with their position on the food chain they have developed the mentality that they are the stewards of the natural balance of the land around them. 
On top of being environmentally conscious they are also very individualistic preferring small communities and close individual relationships over larger groups. An arpine never stays in the same place their whole lives, they will migrate between and integrate into other groups regularly based on their needs, but despite this they will form lifelong bonds with other individuals along their journey.
Individual growth is key to an arpine's life, meanwhile nurturing the individual growth of other arpines and maintaining the environment they depend on is the common goal of all arpines. 

The mentality of arpines has resulted in a unique culture complete with a set of beliefs and traditions which they have kept throughout the ages, they have also managed to largely resist losing their cultural traits to outside influence. Despite this they integrate into other societies quite well, taking their own beliefs with them and often injecting them into the culture of the society they are integrating in themselves.  

Arpines also possess physical traits such as quills which are a recessive redundant trait leftover from an ancient evolutionary ancestor that lived in days when even larger predators roamed the lands. Arpine quill coverage can vary heavily from covering their lower-middle back to having their back completely barren of quills. However, all arpines have quills on their tail, and some individuals might have excess growth in other areas. Arpines also have a mane that spans from the top of their heads to their middle back, this mane can be stylized like hair. Arpines also come in a variety of fur patterns and physical variations to match Krathal's many different environments, interbreeding can lead to a variety of unique patterns as well. Arpines may also mark themselves based on what groups they are/were a part of, to express their beliefs or accomplishments, or out of respect for someone else.

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Biology portal:

Traits and Behavior
Social Structure
Gender and Sexuality
Reproduction and Lifespan
Hunting and Diet

Culture portal:

Religion And Spirituality
Societal Structure
Clothing Culture
Economy and Industry