
Frequently Asked Questions !
This page may be subject to update as time passes, please be patient and ask us for help in the official Discord server if your question cannot be found here!
How do I get an Myo?
You can get an MYO from any free MYO event, buying one with currency in the Discord server, or from a trade! No MYOs will be sold for real money, and if you see a MYO being sold for real money contact an admin as soon as possible!
I designed a character with my Myo, how do I get it approved?
You can get your MYO designs approved in our Discord server! We have a specific thread there for it to make things easier. Only a mod is able to approve your MYO.
Can I sell my character if I have commissions for them?
Absolutely! Now that you've spent real money on them, they're worth that same amount.
I don't want my character to be a part of this species anymore, how do I remove it?
You can put a void request in our Discord server! We're sad to see you go, but we get it.
Can I make adopts for this species?
You can only make adopts for this species if you're a staff member or guest artist! You can still trade and resell designs you already own, of course.
How do I become a guest artist?
We will be hosting guest artist applications every month! You can apply on our Discord server during the last week of the month.