heavily inspired by banabbys Elysiumia!! a dystopian world where the earth is so filled with toxic fumes, that humans just slowly started to die off. humans, in a panic, fled underground to escape the world they had destroyed. except, not all humans got the message. so as some ran to rebuild underground, others were left in the dark, leaving those left on the surfeace to fend off the mutated wildlife that craved revenge and blooshed. the muated animals slowly became more and more inteligent the more humans they devoured. because of this, the humans left out on the surfece had to learn and adapt in order to avoid these bloodthirsty cretures. hiding in abandonded citys and buildings, always on the run. nowhere was safe. the cretures of course, aware of the humans still hiden underground, have been defising a plan to lure the rest of humanity out of their safe bunkers, and right into the jaws of the bloodthristy, as the mutans are aware that the leftover surfece humans will not suply their hungrr forever, as the population of the cretures incress, and the population of the surfece humans decress. (sorry for any spelling mistakes/grammar mistakes for some reson th got rid of auto correct 😡) you might notice that i already have this up as a folder on my account, but im making it a world as well so that you guys can add your own ocs!! ^_^