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magical realm


friends only

About Setting

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In imperdiet rhoncus egestas. Morbi malesuada gravida dictum. Duis pretium arcu vel pretium venenatis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus sit amet nibh sapien. Pellentesque mattis varius risus, et facilisis nunc commodo nec. Aliquam sit amet mi massa. In ullamcorper, est luctus suscipit maximus, ante dolor pretium est, quis maximus libero sapien scelerisque turpis. Nullam vehicula condimentum elementum. Etiam maximus, justo sed finibus porta, diam risus hendrerit nulla, id pretium ex nibh ut elit. Nam volutpat efficitur sem, sed condimentum velit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In imperdiet rhoncus egestas. Morbi malesuada gravida dictum. Duis pretium arcu vel pretium venenatis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus sit amet nibh sapien. Pellentesque mattis varius risus, et facilisis nunc commodo nec. Aliquam sit amet mi massa. In ullamcorper, est luctus suscipit maximus, ante dolor pretium est, quis maximus libero sapien scelerisque turpis. Nullam vehicula condimentum elementum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In imperdiet rhoncus egestas. Morbi malesuada gravida dictum. Duis pretium arcu vel pretium venenatis. Aliquam erat volutpat.

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the gods


God of Life

Genesis, the God of Life, is the oldest God, and the first to ever walk the land. Once known for bringing life and creation throughout the realm, he has since disappeared from the minds and stories of most mortals, partly due to tragic events in his own history. Only a small faction of mortals still preserve his memory and faith, though it is unsure how long even they will last.


God of Death

Acheron, the God of Death, is the youngest God, though one of the most revered now as time continues to pass. It was said he started out in humble beginnings, though not much is known about him, aside from his close relationship to the God of Life, Genesis. He is often looked to for salvation, from the sickness and cruelty of the world, and though he is known to be the King of the Demons that plague the land, he is one of the most respected gods of the land.


God of War & Strength

Ignis, the God of War, is the strongest God of them all. It is an undisputed fact that he personally spearheaded many wars throughout history, often causing large rifts in struggles of beliefs against his enemies. Ignis is the father of the Dragon race, and often prayed to in times of hardship to offer strength and bravery to those who look to fight against their oppressors.


Goddess of Love & Wisdom

Circe, the Goddess of Love, is the biggest sense of hope that mortals have left in the world. Circe is also known as the Goddess of Wisdom, often emphasizing the importance of being open minded to learning about the struggles of others to better understand each other. Though she preaches wisdom and peace, she is by no means weak, and has occasionally been known to butt heads with Ignis for the protection of others.

the setting


The largest Elven kingdom in the land, surrounded by large walls and being host to the High Elven Council. Currently run by the princess, Alisya, it is standing at a precipice between keeping others out, and finally opening up their gates to ensure peace and a thriving communtiy extending to the Humans as well.


The central hub city of trade and sales. Run by two dragons, Akito and Shinjiro, it is often seen as a haven for those who have no place to go. With a very dedicated team of guards to keep the peace of the streets, every mortal can make a living here, no matter what their background. As a neutral territory, they take no sides and never keep people out, as long as they have got the money to stick around.

The World Tree

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum feugiat venenatis eros, venenatis laoreet felis rhoncus convallis. Donec sodales nunc sed ipsum laoreet, vel tincidunt urna fringilla. Etiam viverra elit at aliquet vehicula. Donec sodales neque egestas semper convallis. Suspendisse eget velit lacus. Phasellus vel suscipit quam. Nulla hendrerit luctus nibh vitae varius. Donec ac magna sed diam facilisis dapibus ut at arcu.

The Dead Lands

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum feugiat venenatis eros, venenatis laoreet felis rhoncus convallis. Donec sodales nunc sed ipsum laoreet, vel tincidunt urna fringilla. Etiam viverra elit at aliquet vehicula. Donec sodales neque egestas semper convallis. Suspendisse eget velit lacus. Phasellus vel suscipit quam. Nulla hendrerit luctus nibh vitae varius. Donec ac magna sed diam facilisis dapibus ut at arcu.

The Story

Long ago, at the beginning of time, there stood a lone man. All alone in a vast, empty world, he wandered, leaving behind him a trail of flowers with every step he took. Though he didn't mind the solitude at first, the thought of a companion filled his thoughts wholly until finally, he conceded to his thoughts. At the edge of a large river, he planted a tree to let it gather energy of the world around him. After a long while, with as much of his power as he could muster, he fragmented his power into two new beings, Ignis, a draconic man with a rather large build and hotheaded nature, and Circe, a tall and slender woman, who surprisingly kept the long, pointed ears of his kind but lacked the horns and tail that the other two kept on them. Though a surprising outcome, Genesis softly smiled as he welcomed them into the world.

The three continued to wander the vast world, and though the waters, the plants and the wind were all wonderful, Genesis had decided that once again, he would like to add more life unto it. He gave his students the next task of creation, letting them off on their own to decide what kind of beings they would like to make. Genesis started by making animals. Both large and small, they would inhabit the world and partake in its blessings.

Circe made beings in her own image. They were tall, graceful, and could harness the power of light. The Elves were curious, intellectual beings who were not afraid to go out into the world and find ways to exist with each other.

On the other side, Ignis created dragons in his own image. Large, powerful beings gifted with the power of flight and one of the four elements at random. They all started the same, curious to learn how to exist in the world around them, except there was a key difference between the two races. The dragons had a hunger. They were not sure what it was for, exactly, but a deep craving was set within them, wanting.

Genesis and Ignis argued for what felt like an eternity. The draconic people were violent, and power hungry. At the end of all the disagreements, Genesis conceded. He would not deny his pupil, and he would give the dragons a chance to learn, no matter how long it took. Thus, Genesis took to teaching. Showing anyone who would listen the ways of the elements, and the land around them, and how to provide for themselves as they were able. Circe taught the people to control their magic, using it to help sustain things in their life and harness their natural power. Lastly, Ignis taught the people how to fight. Though senseless violence was often found in the land, Ignis had a high sense of pride in not preying on the weak, and so he would teach the strong to really fight and give it their all, so one day he may have an opponent strong enough to satisfy him. He would often challenge both Genesis and Circe to duels, but was always turned down.

The world was slowly falling into place, the Gods and the mortals alike doing what they could to make a life for themselves. Suddenly, a strange illness appeared. A draconic man fell to the floor, his hands turning black and ashy as his fingers shifted into claws. His eyes started to glow, and his teeth became even more monstrous, before he began to attack those around him. He had completely lost himself, unable to make sounds more than grunts and snarls, before being subdued by stronger men. Upon learning of this affliction, Genesis arrived quickly to try and find the cause, though could not cure the man of his ailment. It was the first time he had ever been unsuccessful, and he only solved the first one by taking the fiend away before locking him away, until a cure could be found.

The problem progressed naturally, spreading through the land in unexpected and inconsistent ways. Genesis and Circes set to the task of finding a cure, though Ignis once again took a separate path of destruction to the demons, often making them disappear into the night until they were able to heal and return.

As time went on, the world renounced the God of Life. They only saw the suffering he caused, and pushed for the other Gods to save them from their miserable fates, thus did Genesis seemingly fade away into obscurity.


The strongest, and most violent race currently inhabiting the world. They are power driven, and have a hunger to expend their energy and find the means to do it. The ones with most renown often start their own territories, and are content with that, but others still are always searching for more power, more money, and more land.



A race blessed from the beginning with Light magic from the Goddess Circe. They are known for their intellegence and have long since closed themselves off from the outside world, however, their current princess Alisya is pushing to open the gates once more and share their knowledge and resources with the outside world.
The weakest of all races in the land of [WORLD]. Though they often struggle due to their lack of magic and strength, they always continue to adapt to their environment in their own ways. There is power in community, and the Humans have mastered it to an art, always looking towards the future as a means to not only survive, but to continue to thrive as well.



Beings cursed with the power of Darkness that strive to sow chaos and confusion in the world. The oldest of them started as a plague that vexed the world, unable to control themselves and their carnal desires for violence, but have calmed down significantly since the creation of the God, Acheron. They still have urges and temptations for their savage desires, but many of the stronger ones now have means to control themselves and do what they can to continue living in the world with others.
A race of mortals that have animal-like characteristics. They have strength, speed and wisdom, but were not blessed with the power of magic. Often the most looked down upon race, they often feel like they have no place in the world, and try to stay out of sight and mind where they can.


content warnings

Contains blood & gore in visual and written depictions. Gore may not be extreme, but please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.

Contains violence in visual and written depictions. Violence may not be extreme, but please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.
Semi-explicit sexuality in visual and written depictions. Depictions may not be extreme, but please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.

Subjects such as trauma may be present in visual and written depictions. Please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.
Contains blood & gore in visual and written depictions. Gore may not be extreme, but please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.

RP Guide

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum feugiat venenatis eros, venenatis laoreet felis rhoncus convallis. Donec sodales nunc sed ipsum laoreet, vel tincidunt urna fringilla. Etiam viverra elit at aliquet vehicula. Donec sodales neque egestas semper convallis. Suspendisse eget velit lacus. Phasellus vel suscipit quam.


  • ❋ This is a list for rules or other criteria
  • ❋ This is a list for rules or other criteria
  • ❋ This is a list for rules or other criteria
  • ❋ This is a list for rules or other criteria

Aenean rhoncus, justo et tristique convallis, mi metus pulvinar nisl, non pharetra diam tortor ac nisi. In a lobortis nunc. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum non arcu turpis. Curabitur ipsum sem, efficitur viverra tempor at, finibus in urna. Aenean aliquam neque non porttitor finibus. Quisque suscipit neque vel placerat ullamcorper. Morbi pharetra mi at imperdiet rhoncus. Maecenas id dignissim ex. Donec volutpat cursus congue. Cras pretium suscipit nisl quis vestibulum. Cras blandit massa quis fermentum.

the crew


21+ she/her

Ally or Ami. AllyKuma


21+ they/he


21+ she/her


21+ she/her