please take a look at map so you won't get lost!!

Harriet cornfield🌽🌾

little city nested on the island between beautiful fields. There is quite a few people living here. The city is self sufficient and not based upon capitalism 

Rose hip Hill🌹🥀

The second biggest place to live in west coast pumpkin island. Village is very lively, and always welcoming! You can find there absolutely anything you need, locals sell items from tiny cans with tea to big used furniture! 

Thombsons Graveyard🪦

Graveyard near the main city with stunningly beautiful cathedral. Next to this place is small village, just few live there, its almost abandoned ! Be careful, at night you can see strange activities around graveyard, there's many legends about bone keepers that guards this place...

Haunted Hospital🏩👻

Hospital where the workers are a little strange… they are friendly and will treat your wounds in exchange for items