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Carnihell is a circus that many only dream of being able to enter. It's said it magically appears out of nowhere and never seems to be stay there for long. It's a circus shrouded in enchantment and mystery but also...darkness. There are troubling rumors that some who enter this strange circus either never return or come back almost void of the person they used to be. Regardless, people just can't seem to stay away from the mysterious circus that is Carnihell.

To the demons, Carnihell is the 9 tented circus is home. Each tent is led by a ringmaster who command their own commoraderie of demons. These demons take after their ringmasters in both appearance and ability. Using the guise of a travelling circus, these demons lure in unsuspecting people in order to collect their souls. Collecting these souls is almost like a game. The demons able to use the souls in multiple ways; powering themselves up, switching tents, nourishment, etc. All demons take pride in the amount of souls they collect in order to rise in the ranks and gain the recognition of their ringmaster. They'll not only receive praise but also more power and possibly higher positions in their tent.



The Tent of Shine is lead by the great clown ringmaster himself, Lucy. Within his tent, all the stars of the shows shine brightly during their performances. The clowns here tend to be charasmatic and joyful but also very devious and mischievious ensuring that all sorts of trickery goes on within the tent.


Lucifer Morgenn is the full name of the ringmaster of the Tent of Shine. Lesser demons are not able to say his full name thus calling him by his stage name Lucy. He performs in several different acts alongside his tent's demons. His favourites are juggling, rolling globe, and (of course) slapstick.

Lucy is a mischievious clown who loves to play tricks on his tent's demons, often found sneaking around preparing one of his pranks. However, Lucy dislikes having pranks done on him. He is a bit more laid-back compared to his fellow ringmasters and can come across as kind of a dummy or airhead, making others laugh with his antics. Lucy dislikes being nagged or ordered around by anyone which often brings out his more defiant side but this usually doesn't last long.

Lucy almost always appears to be jolly and airheaded; however, he has these occasional dark moments that often throw his clowns for a loop. Could there be something more to this ringmaster...?


The acts performed within the Tent of Shine include: juggling, hooping, stilt walking, artistic cycling, devil sticks, diabolo, miming, clowning, slapstick, puppetry, and rolling globe.


The Tent of Melodies is lead by the melodic musician Momo. Music reigns supreme within this tent, entrancing all who enter taking them to decadent dream worlds. The musicians here are silly and goofy, dancing and singing to their heart's contents. Their performances could take anyone to paradise!


Paimon Samgita is the full name of the ringmaster of the Tent of Melodies. She dislikes formalities so she demands that everyone refers to her by her stage name of Momo. Her favourite acts to perform are singing, dancing, playing her flute, baton twirling and hand walking.

Momo is a very cheerful and playful clown. She's the most happy-go-lucky of all the ringmasters and best friends with Lucy. She is also very mischievious and whimsical, often talking in riddles to frustrate those around her. Usually, Momo can be found either goofing around, dancing, or singing. She adores the clowns in her tent, helping them stay confident and practicing their acts. She dislikes whenever her clowns become discouraged and say they aren't good enough to perform. She refuses to let them think that way does whatever she can to encourage them!


The acts performed within the Tent of Melodies include: dancing, instrument playing, singing, whistling, baton twirling, rhythmic gymnastics, staff twirling, jump roping, hand walking, flag spinning, Chinese pole, and adagio.


The Tent of Rage is lead by the master of strength himself, Astaroth. Mind-blowing tests of strength and valor are performed within this tent. The clowns here are all extremely strong and proud of the feats they accomplish. No one could ever be prepared for their display of absolute power.


Astaroth Indarra is the full name of the ringmaster of the Tent of Rage. He refuses to allow anyone weaker than him refer to him by his full name, taking on the stage name Asta. Taking any chance he can get to show off his strength, Asta performs every act within in his tent. His favourites are cannonball catching, extreme weight lifting, and stage combat.

Asta is an extremely prideful clown and isn't afraid to show it, boasting about his strength whenever possible. His tent is full of other proud clowns who are almost just as boastful as he is. Asta has a terrible temper, making him hard to approach. Amongst the lesser demons, he's known as ruthless and many don't want to be a part of his tent thus making his tent one of the smaller ones. Asta doesn't care though because, if they were strong enough, they could handle him and his temper.


The acts performed within the Tent of Rage include: stage combat, risley, object spinning, demon pyramid, German wheel, cyr wheel, contortion, club swinging, chair balancing, cannonball catching, metal bending, and extreme weight lifting.


The Tent of Inferno is lead by the fiery femme fetale Asmo. The performances here are not for the faint of heart as the unruly element of fire embraces all. Those who perform here are blessed by the blaze and proudly show off their abilities to tame the inferno.


Asmodeus Kebakaran is the full name of the ringmaster of the Tent of Inferno. She demands to be called Lady Asmo even by those close to her, rarely does she give permission for anyone to call her Asmo much less her full name. The acts she favours are fire dancing, fire knife throwing, and fire breathing.

Asmo is a proud Carnihellion, feeling as if she is much better than those around her which often leads her to making foolish bets/decisions. She adores flattery thus leading to her making those bad decisions. She has a very "mean girl" attitude about her only trusting those she deems worthy. She treats those close to her well and teases them often. She tends to hate those who try to outdo her or ignore her esp when she's making an entrance or flaunting a new style she's trying out. Her temper flares up super quick but dies out just as fast; however, she does tend to hold grudges.


The acts performed within the Tent of Inferno include: fire twirling, fire hooping, demon cannonball, fire knife throwing, fire dancing, fire breathing, fire eating, fire juggling, and explosions.


The Tent of Ferality is lead by the beastly Toto. Ferocious felines, ghastly giant serpents, and other crazy creatures roam within the tent performing with those who boast control and partnership with these creatures. Every performance is absolutely wild!


Barbatos Kafshê is the full name of the ringmaster of the Tent of Ferality. No one but the other ringmasters know what its true name is so all those in its tent only know it as Toto. Its favourite acts are animal taming and insect eating.

Toto is a mysterious and cryptic clown. If it's not speaking in some sort of riddle, it'll be speaking nonsense. Most of its tent has managed to learn what it means when it speaks and others have learned to use sign language to speak with it normally (tho they don't tell others). Usually, a tent member will have to translate for those from other tents. Toto also has a big heart and cares a lot for the clowns in its tent, doing anything he can for them. It's very silly and doesn't take things seriously most of the time but it can have a scary temper if angered.


The acts performed within the Tent of Ferality include: trick riding, animal taming, lasso, bullwhip, snake charmer, and insect eating.


The Tent of Blade is lead by sword master Annie. Performers here are skilled with all sorts of blades and proudly show off their expertise. The way of the blade is almost an art in the hands of those who reside in this tent.


Andras Lepída is the full name of the ringmaster of the Tent of the Blade. However, he refuses to let those he deems lesser than he to call him by his full name much less address him at all. His favourite acts to perform are sword swallowing, sword dancing, and the sword ladder.

Annie is serious and proud clown. His arrogance is made quite clear through his constant proclaimations of how artful his techniques with the blade are, earning him the title of "blade narcissist" by his peers (aka Lucy & definitely Asta). Annie truly loves anything to do with blades, especially knives; those are his favourite. He is very irritable, becoming easily frustrated when something is out of place or doesn't go his way. He cannot stand to be critiqued and will refuse to acknowledge such comments on his "art."


The acts performed within the Tent of the Blade include: knife throwing, sword swallowing, sword ladder, hook suspension, bed of nails, blade box, and sword dancing.


The Tent of Enchantment is lead by the mystical magician Rax. Spells and curses swirl within as all sorts of magicians perform their best. The audience is always warned to be careful because they may just find themselves hexed.


Morax La Magia is the full name of the ringmaster of the Tent of Enchantment. Lesser demons cannot call his name unless Rax allows it. He only allows those he trusts to call him by his true name. Funnily enough there are a lot of younger clowns who will call Rax "Papa Rax" due to his fatherly personality. His favourite acts to perform are illusions, magic, and metamorphosis.

Rax is a caring clown who looks after his clowns like his own children. Clowns will seek him out for advice all the time. He's a lot scarier than he looks and often gets told he's intimidating. However, Rax is one of the kindest ringmasters of Carnihell; even the other ringmasters have come to rely on him at times (usually causing him headaches).


The acts performed within the Tent of Enchantment include: magic, hat manipulation, ventriloquism, escapology, levitation, gullotine, and metamorphosis.


The Tent of Grace is lead by the amazing acrobat Beelzebub. The performers here practically fly throughout the air, executing graceful feats and tricks. They're elegant guides to the soaring skies.


Beelzebub Zelastiba is the full name of the ringmaster of the Tent of Grace. Due to not only their position but also her closeness to the monarch, she is referred to by "Your Grace" by all. There are only few who call her by her stage name Bebe, even less by her true name. Her favourite acts to perform are tightrope walking, the trapeze, corde lisse, aerial silk, and aerial hoop.

Bebe is the oldest known clown besides the Monarch. She is highly respected and basically treated like second in command at Carnihell. Bebe is extremely loyal to the Monarch and does not tolerate any sort of breaking of the rules. Her stern personality carries on to her duties as a ringmaster. She's also quite a stoic clown and many are unable to tell what she's thinking. Despite how intimidating Bebe comes across, she is a good ringmaster and takes care of her clowns.


The acts performed within the Tent of Grace include: tumbling, trapeze, trampolining, tightrope walking, teeterboard, Spanish web, slackwire, Russian bar, Roman ladder, perch, Danish pole, aerial cradle, corde lisse, cloud swing, banquine, aerial silk, and aerial hoop.

Code by Aurorean