Part I: Introduction


Note: This is a Work In Progress, please excuse the mess!

This scroll can be found in a vast multitude of places, ranging from the royal libraries all the way to the arms of the most destitute beggar. "The Draconic Archives: Volume 1" the scroll proudly proclaims across it's rather plain endcaps. The scroll is penned in a royal blue ink with very neat and concise script, and the occational tiny dragonet paw-print mars the page. While this was obviously an error, it seems whoever reprinted the scroll found paw prints too cute to remove.

Good evening! Or- Good morning? Perhaps even good afternoon?

Well- Regardless of when or where you're reading this, hello to you! My name is Professor Serac of the Icewing Archives. Due to the rather, er-- large influx of dragons from various alternative timelines, Queen Permafrost (as well as many of the other monarchs) have asked me to compile a sort of "catalog", if you will, of the various events that have plagued both of our fair continents, and the state that these various catastrophes have left the tribes in.

Many of these summaries will be based off of personal observations, or through eyewitness accounts and thorough research for locations I cannot physically access or was not present for (for example, the Destruction of the Seawing Kingdom). In all cases, however, I will thoroughly vet and take the necessary precautions to ensure that the information I have recorded here is truthful, accurate, and as non-biased as it could possibly be.

My esteemed colleague, Professor Bryo of the Leaf and Mudwings, assisted with much of research in this series of documents, as did Pathtreader of the Nightwings, as well as my son Harp. He's only 2, but he insists that he 'helped lots with making it sound cool', so I am proud to include him in the list of co-authors.

Without further adieu... Welcome to the Draconic Archives!

Code by Aurorean