I created this species several years ago and they were heavily featured in a platformer rpg that has since been scrapped. I decided to make them into an open species because I would love to see them 'live on' in a sense through other people's characters and ideas, even though I don't use them much myself anymore. You are in no way required to join the world if you wish to make one! They are completely open to anyone and everyone to make, and you can do whatever you would like with any Condoryn ocs you might create. If you would like to submit them to the world for others to see, I'll accept.
Fun Fact #1: Condoryn is the singular form of the word, Condoryni is plural.


This is the general lore that the species used to have, but it is in no way required to make a character who adheres to it! In fact, I highly encourage being as creative as you'd like with making Condoryni characters, you can do absolutely ANYTHING that you want to do design and lore-wise! I've included this summary for the generation of potential ideas and for a glimpse into what the Condoryn species was like years ago for anyone who may be curious. If you have any questions or curiosities about the old lore, I would be happy to answer (albeit with several text walls lol). Regardless, if you did want to make a character who followed the old lore I certainly wouldn't stop you.

In the beginning there were three goddesses; Qinnori, the goddess of goodness/light, Qavak, the goddess of freedom/choice, and Ojidd Nu, the goddess of evil/dark. There were a series of religious wars in the continent in which the Condoryni and another species lived. Ojidd Nu killed Qinnori, but with the last of her power, the goddess of light trapped Ojidd Nu in a crystal tomb, where she would remain forevermore. In honor of her sacrifice and in celebration of the newfound era of peace on the continent, the Condoryni donned the first masks. These masks would go on to be a huge cultural norm, even as belief in the goddesses declined. Not wearing a mask is like walking around without clothes,'s just not something that the vast majority of Condoryni would do. Of course some individuals have specific reasons to not do so, such as the devoted worshipers of Ojidd Nu. Although in recent times religion has declined greatly in its importance, ancient Condoryni societies were deeply rooted in religion and even still one group (Umbraka) is governed by a theocracy.
Condoryni have 12 main ethnic groups. To keep it simple,
Qannia'Jella - they live in the northern marshlands, a dark and swampy forest that isn't exactly at the top of anyone's vacation list.
Xolox - the residents of a small, lonely island. Regarded as odd by the outside world. They tend to look very strange (body horror!!!)
Caarin - they call the deciduous forests spanning the center of the continent their home, outsiders even claim that they live in the trees instead of houses!
Faronn - they live on an isolated jungle island and rarely leave. They're rumored to be fierce warriors, but who knows if that is true
Vul-Capa - A small, southeastern group living in the shadow of an active volcano. They are widely admired for their metallurgy
Umbraka - They are thought to be extinct, but the remaining 300 members live deep underground and nobody has been to the surface in centuries.
Garrina - they live on the western coasts and often have traits resembling fish and seabirds
Aarida'No'Rao - the largest group, and the one that lives in the middle of a dangerous desert to the southwest of the continent.
Lyralao - They live among the beautiful fields of flowers and peaceful woodland, and are thought to be as beautiful as the environment they call home
Mokan'Trin - A group living on a tropical island chain in a body of water in the center of the continent
Koranim - To the northeast lies a frozen wasteland filled with mountains and ice, where this group calls home
Denan - They're from grasslands like a savannah, filled with plateaus, craters, and strange rock formations
(Not a group but a variant of any Condoryni) The Fallen - the fallen are Condoryni from legend who fell from a holy mountain and became cursed to roam the world eternally as an undead creature / demon. They are occasionally drawn with their shattered masks in their claws and/or winged.

Condoryni in the old lore also had their own magic! It was elemental; Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Nature, and Celestial magic. Celestial contained anything relating to any of the goddesses (light/dark, spirit/soul/death, mind-related, etc.) Sometimes a Condoryn could be a dual-mage, and use a combination of two elements. Some could be born with powerful magic already, while others would have to work for it. Rarely, a Condoryn would be born without magic, but it did still sometimes happen.


These are traits that are common for Condoryni, but are entirely optional.

  • Masks! They can be anything. They can magically change expressions along with the wearer or act like any normal mask does, and can be any shape or size with anything on them. Underneath their masks is anything body horror or gory. An example of one way this can look is here
  • Many Condoryni have an extra limb attacking to the back of their heads. They can be pretty much anything from resembling a tail to ending in an eye, a tooth, a hand, simply being a bunch of feathers, etc. If you really don't want to add this, you don't have to, but it is something that makes them recognizeable.
  • Although I don't really use this system anymore, when I initially created these guys they had two variants; Northern (having hooves and claw hands), and Southern (birdlike arms/legs), but limbs can be absolutely anything from paws to tentacles.


This is EXTREMELY fluid. Condoryni can have any amount of limbs, ears, eyes, wings, tails, horns, whatever you want. They can have any type of limbs, tails, or whatever else as well. I have a page with some designs (although OLD) here.