Qaii Doriviir’s childhood was not average.  She was raised in the 3000’s by her father, Tom, New America’s most renowned armed forces engineer.  With an almost photographic memory and a impressive knack for computer programming, Qaii was on her way to becoming a legend like her dad.  She went to Storme High, the country’s most prestigious high school and was always top of her class. After school she would spend hours training with her close friend Levi Summers; New America’s best boot camp instructor and master martial artist.   Every day Qaii became smarter, stronger, and more agile.  The future was looking extremely bright for Qaii- until New Russia launched a cyber missile at New American and the fourth world war started. Qaii wasted no time in her decision to defend the country.  She was made captain of WWWWW an elite squadron of front-line soldiers.  Within the month they were deployed by jet to the border of New Russia with plans to infiltrate their military headquarters.  Equipped with advanced laser weaponry the troop made their way to the thickest point of battle, where they were shocked to find an army of New Russian Mech Soldiers waiting silently for them.  As soon as Qaii and her team were in sight of the N.R.M.S.’s the machines activated and began shooting powerful plasma blasts at them.  Fearlessly Qaii sprinted towards them, dodging the blasts and shooting her laser pistol at their weak points.  A mech snuck up behind her and with one powerful blow knocked her 50 feet into the air.  She landed on her back with a sickening crunch, sizzling and unconscious. That is the story of the old Qaii. ~ ~ ~

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