Marquis' Mall


"This place is one bad party from falling apart."

—Rob Johnson

"Hello, hello, hello! Welcome ladies and gentlemen (and everything in between) to Marquis' Mall! The home of entertainment and excitement! We have a countless amount of activies for children of all ages. Marquis' Mall feautres Cody's Clubhouse, Rollo's Recruitment Center, Ivan's Balloon Mayhem, Allen's Arcade, and our most famous attraction, Marquis' Musical. Each event has it's own personalized animatronic as well! Our lovely staff would love to show you around. So please, feel free to take a look around!"

Marquis' Mall was opened in 1984 by Wallace Anderson to bring life to his town. He loved robots and entertainment, so of course he wanted to combine the two together. This location started with a minor amount of attractions. It featured Marquis' Musical along with classic food, drinks, and a small arcade.

Marquis' Musical had been the main attraction for years. It showed Marquis performing all sorts of different customized songs. He would perform for hours and sang beautifully. He was known as one of the most well made animatronics for decades. Although, overtime it had to come to an end. Marquis began to malfunction on stage and needed constant repairs. During one of these repairs, Wallace was harmed and Marquis was shut down until further notice.


Cody's Clubhouse

"Cody always gave me the creeps, he was kind've a jerk when I was a kid."

—Ryan Anderson

Cody's Clubhouse was the second attraction to show up in Marquis' Mall. Cody actually started out performing with Marquis for some time. It was decided later on that he would be moved into his own location to help spread out customers and expand their building.

Cody's Clubhouse shows Cody singing on stage with a guitar. He performs small songs while children draw and play in the jungle gym on the side of the room.


Rollo's Recruitment Center

"Gah! I loved this place as a kid! Rollo was always my favorite!"


Rollo was added due to younger children wanting to go to Marquis' Mall. This area was added for adults to drop off their children and have them be taken care of for some time. The place is set with cubbies, beds, tables, and all sorts of things for children to play on. Multiple people work here, but the main part of the attraction was Rollo!

Rollo is loved by hundreds of children. Rollo is built for speed and care. He's made with as many round edges as possible and has built in machinery to help locate children and adults. Rollo has helped many children feel at home within the daycare and spends his time doing anything he can with the kids. He loves cuddling up with them during nap time.


Ivan's Balloon Mayhem

"Ivan was always so cheery. Sometimes too cheery."

—Rob Johnson

Ivan's Balloon Mayhem is an area for children to host birthday parties. The place is covered in balloons and colors. Ivan is a fun and enthusastic animatronic that helps children celebrate their birthdays in the most exciting ways,

Ivan is able to blow up balloons from his finger tips (literally) which helps set up the birthday parties. He is one of the newer animatronics, only being there for a few years. The place is mostly covered in black lights with glowing balloons and streamers lining the walls.


Allen's Arcade

"Allen's just worn down like the rest of us."

—Ryan Anderson

Allen's Arcade was built in once they ran out of room for the arcade machines. Children still loved playing on them, so they decided to build an entire area for the machines to be held. There's only about one or two workers at a time due to Allen's high functioning abilities. He's able to rebuild the machines and repair them whenever needed. The workers are mostly for janitorial work and the prize booths.

Allen started out as a very fun and carefree animatronic, but over the years he started becoming bitter and cold. Now a days, he's annoyed whenever people bother him so workers try to intervene instead. His wires and coding has been checked, but nobody knows why he acts this way. He does have favorites though that he will help out without question.


Staff Only!

"Thank you for choosing to work with Marquis' Mall!."

—Wallace Anderson

Wallace Anderson is loved by many for his contributions to the community and how he treats his customers. Everyone misses him and hopes that he's doing alright. Due to Wallace's absence, Ryan, his son, has taken over. Ryan takes care of everything that he can. He mostly does everything online due to being afraid of the facility. It always gave him the creeps as a child. To add on to that fear, his father's attack makes him terrified of the animatronics.

Rob and Jayden have been there for some time now. Rob joined the company a few years back and Jayden is still in his first year of working there. Both are night guards who walk around to make sure everyone is acting accordingly and to make sure no break ins happen. Rob is constantly tired and is just there for the money. He thinks the place is pretty creepy. Jayden used to go to Marquis' Mall as a child and goes there for the memories (and the money). Jayden is a ray of sunshine who loves seeing all his old friends.

Code by Aurorean