Lunporta is a massive pocket dimension drifting through space. Each of the six kingdoms is ruled by a different kind of celestial force, influencing the environment and culture. Many types of species, magic, and religion coexist in Lunporta, but everyone’s main goal is survival…As the world itself isn’t forgiving in terms of mortality.

From gothic cities, ethereal castles, twisting icy caves, shadowy woods, blazing deserts, and unknown seas, there’s a place for every human, monster and anything else to fit into…Or perhaps you’re looking for the portal back to Earth? Hm, good luck with that.


~This world, even if it’s a WIP, is open for anyone to join and make characters for! Since it’s so new, the lore and rules for things are quite lenient.

~Each kingdom has its own set of aesthetics that residents within them should generally follow, but the overarching theme is fantasy.

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