The setting I use for my anthropomorphic Pokemon is a setting that is, well, based on Pokemon itself. But rather than being a thing where humans and animals exist, it's just animals - both the feral ones that look like the official designs, and anthropomorphic ones who are able to walk and talk like people. 

A lot about how the setting works is kind of up in the air at the moment, because I do wanna lean more towards the way the games/anime work, but fitting it around the idea of anthro Pokemon. With that, let's tackle (aha!) some questions: 


What about the battle aspect of the official series?

In this case, it's like a sport - the biggest one, since everyone has special powers they can utilize. It's like how MMA is a thing, but with the tone of a sports anime I guess. I take a bit of influence from My Hero Academia in that there's a bit of costume action involved. 

The VCC is a college that has a lot of focus on battles, honing students' fighting ability with specialized classes mixed in with regular college classes.


The idea of a school with combat sounds like a thing that probably already existed... question mark. 

Long before time had a name, Yes in fact, it's a classic approach that you may or may not be familiar with if you were a Pokemon fan on certain furry art sites at a certain point in time. Potentially the mid-late 2000s. Such a group had a big roleplay community behind it, but it kind of fell out of style. For various reasons, "dead roleplay community" potentially being one of them, I'd reworked my characters to be part of this setting of my own creation. To be clear, my VCC setting is not a community-based thing that people are able to join, it's just the setting I've built as context to who these characters are. 


So, what type of adventures get told in such a setting?

Being that I noticeably refer to this setting as VCC (Viridian Community College), it mainly focuses on the students there. It's a diverse school with students from all walks of life who have something to prove. I imagine it being slice-of-life with a dash of sporting combat. To be honest, I've asked myself if there's any superhero-ing aspect to it all, but that might be leaning too far into My Hero Academia territory. For now, students are just vibing.


How does [insert official Pokemon lore] fit in?

I dunno, it'll come up or it won't come up, this setting kind of gets fleshed out as I go. For example, one thought I had was to have a more Japan-based aesthetic for things, because, y'know, Kanto is based on a Japanese location of the same name. But we'll see! 


Will more questions be added? 

Maybe! End of sentence.