Welcome to the Mint Monarch! 

In the town of Clearwater Junction somewhere up between Washington and Oregon, there is a dedicated Greenhouse and Atrium venue named the Mint Monarch. This is exclusively a fusion entertainment venue of Day garden cafe and a nightly bar and restaurant. MM caters very loyally to all things in local biodiversity and all exotic botany that may not always be viewable due to the urbanization of modern day life. With the fresh man-made pond boasting a lively river ecosystem of fish and wildlife, to the small gardens housing all manner of divers animal and plant life to help the plants thrive, there is nothing short of miracle workings that Mint Monarch wants to present to their customers. Despite the fact the local town isn't to keen on a multitude of their tourism being snagged by the establishment, their owner Ambrose LeFleur is dedicated to ensuring people get to see the true beauty of nature at a fraction of the cost, and less heart most other places have tried. Don't let the fools at Truede Law scare you, they are certified and permitted in all manners pertaining to the health and well being of everything under their stain glass roof.

We are currently hiring! We need a big diverse cast of characters to make MM thrive as a proper business and so need all the staff we can get.

Current Staff:

Owner/Ceo/founder- Ambrose Lefleur

Aciano Bolivar- Entertainment