This is not the name of a story so much as it's the name I've given to the setting that a specific group of OCs are part of. Let's dive right into some questions: 



I imagined their location as being near the shore, maybe a California-esque location, or like Beach City from Steven Universe. The point is that it's not a specific real world location. Maybe at some point I'll come up with a name. For now, it's just a beachtown. Oh, and it's just meant to be a regular modern day setting. With humans and anthropomorphic animals being commonplace. 


What characters are there? 

Oh, you know. The frogs. Friends of frogs. I originally thought maybe it'd all be seaside creatures but that's not necessary. The "Besties" part of this setting name is because I imagine these characters are all familiar with each other, even if on a friend-of-friend level. 

While not necessarily an obligation, I have had a theme so far that every character has some kind of LGBT orientation to them.


What do they do

If you're Gibby, you're probably not doing much besides living freely off of riches. But everyone has their own thing. As of writing this, several characters need new profiles, and I have dabbled with the idea that several may be going to college. But unlike the Pokemon stuff I do, where the college is a main focus, I think here it's more of a background element. It's like The Weekenders where the weekend is very much the focus. 

The point of this setting, really, is to just be a background that provides context to the characters and moments in their lives. Cozy, wholesome good vibes.