
Posted 6 years, 9 months ago by Eclipse-Draws

Hello! I don't know if people are actually going to join this, but I have a couple of stories set in an apocalyptic Hellscape just in different continents.. The story of this is that there are all of the same continents as today's world, but they are separated due to a nuclear war that has just messed up everything. The majority of people are without the power of today's tech and are somewhere in the late 1800s, but their weapons are pretty modern- pistols, bombs, etc. Sometimes the occasional post modern weapon is discovered and all hell breaks loose. Yikes. 

Here's a short overview of the current continents in function: 

North and South America: They've conjoined and have decided that they are the most functioning. This is a lie as there are all sorts of monsters and such roaming all throughout their prized civilization, they just happened to kick every mutated human out to Eurasia. It's not good. Here there are a couple storylines: Lottie and Edison, Paige, and whatever y'all want to add lol. This is more of a world for me, but if people want to join in, I have no problem! 

Eurasia: Well all the families that had really been affected by radiation and mutation were banished to Eurasia as some form of quarantine. Eventually they adapted and then the super humans arrived. It's pretty neat. Certain aspects of their family's work and every day lives started to really get messed up and eventually became beneficial later on. Here, the stories of Kit, Amy, and I think that's it take place. 

Australia: They're just modern society, they never got bombed and all of the scientists from the other countries migrated here as part of a plan to "Keep smarts alive" even though it was more of a money thing. They occasionally set out on journeys to study people in other continents making them pretty pissed. 

Africa: So no one really knows what happened to Africa. They keep to themselves and are thriving. They're much like the Americas but without the superiority complex. Out of all the continents, they are also closest with Australia and occasionally get aid from them. One country is so close that they aid them in studies, but are secretly planning a revolution to take back the world from Australia's power and to bring the world back to its former glory.