Kaikaku High's Bulletins


Posted 3 months, 10 days ago by Hibiki cl0wnc4r

"How lovely it is to see you all."

"It seems that we have some newcomers! With that in mind, I feel that it's a great time to talk about your uniforms and such."


"These are simply the basic uniforms. Length of the sleeves, skirts, pants, and even socks can vary, as long as it's appropriate. Any type of shoes are allowed as long as you can effectively move around in them without hurting yourself or others. If you favor a vest or sweater as opposed to a blazer, those are offered. The feminine uniform is not strictly for the women, and the masculine uniform is not strictly for the men. Wear whichever you are comfortable with."

"Along with most things, there are obviously some rules. Customizing your uniform is a privilege, and if we feel that you are abusing said privilege, we will revoke it until you prove that you can be trusted with it. Profanity, weapons, and immoral imagery are prohibited from being added to your uniforms. Other than that, you have full freedom to do whatever you like, as long as you follow the basic guidelines and staff members can see the school emblem somewhere on your person."

"There are three swimsuit options. Feminine swimwear is simple one-piece suits, the masculine swimsuits are shorts. The third choice includes shorts and a long-sleeve top, for those uncomfortable with the other options."

"The P.E uniform is the same for everyone, with long-sleeve and short-sleeve shirts, and shorts or pants. Shoes you can run in are required."

"Are you ready for your first day, young heroes?"


basic uniform rules - ability to customize uniforms is a privilege (no profanity, weapons, or immoral imagery). school emblem has to be visible when customizing. p.e uniforms are the same for everyone. shoes have to be comfortable and run-able. skirts and shorts have to reach mid-thigh. sweaters and vests are available if a blazer is not preferred.

feminine uniforms -

  • length of skirt, sleeves, and socks are adjustable. any gender can wear a skirt. one-piece for swimwear.
masculine uniforms -
  • length of pants, sleeves, and socks are adjustable. any gender can wear pants. shorts for swimwear