
Now loading the Universe...


Universe has loaded, please enjoy your stay!


Current Soundtrack...

Justice for All -
Silva Gunner
(King for Another Day)
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Welcome to Universe Zeta


Have you ever wanted to play with in a world of imagination, to ascend your humanity and become a god, to be the maker of your own universe? Then come to Universe Zeta and play the newest game to hit the shelves: SBURB. Now on the 13.1.2 edition, there's plenty to see and discover with the latest technology in Starling technology!


Having started out as a simple Homestuck AU for an RP, Universe Zeta now hosts a full blown complete rewrite of Homestuck from the ground up, featuring new lore and... what's this? 👀 Xenobiology? That's right, while trolls may still look closely recognizable to their canon counterparts, they've in fact been rewritten with xenobiology and insect genetics in mind!

Universe Zeta is primarily broken into camps: projects focusing on SBURB itself and projects focusing on trolls themselves. While all fanadventures are interconnected and effect one another, all fanadventures can be read independently with little to no problem. And if even that's not your cup of tea, you can ignore the AU canon events and simply focus on the lore and xenobiology created!


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Closing The Universe Client: Remember, despite everything, the Universe still loves you.