Slumbering Vale

About Us
Fantasy | Closed world | Just for fun!

Nested in the heart of a valley next to a winding river, a small town flourishes. Though many people live here, this world follows two specific families and their friends as they carry on their daily business.

What started out as making player characters for various TTRPG campaigns became a "wouldn't it be funny if these characters interacted?" and now we have about 50+ interconnected characters forming a small community.

Similar to our other world, this is a specific place for me and tig_ to gather info and develop our characters' stories in a designated area. This is different though as it's focused on a particular group instead of a general TTRPG oc collection. Friends in the know are welcome to join as well, though!

The setting is loosely based on Faerûn and the Forgotten Realms, with personal touches, additions, and liberties taken. Some bios are more filled than others; most things are still in progress. Enjoy your stay! ^^

The World Map

coming soon!