76499976_f3ifIHeZofbUQIL.png- This world is dedicated to the closed species Penxoch. -
- Penxoch are a plant pony species strongly related to nature. -

- You can read all the available information HERE if you're planning to own one. -
- At the moment this page is mostly made for me (BluefeatherBird / koshechkazlatovlaska) to keep track of the Penxoch ponies scattered here on TH, purchased from me or other people on DA. -


- Penxoch ponies are a CLOSED SPECIES, meaning you can't make your own. -
- The species heavily relies on breeding "mechanic" to spread more Penxoch ponies. -

- To join DA group and this TH world, you have to own at least 1 Penxoch pony. -
