Welcome to Winterhost! The rural town where it's always Winter, no matter what time of year!

Winterhost is a tourist town that attracts Plate Dragons who just wish that they could play in the snow and enjoy some winter snacks and fun any time of the year. The permanent residents of the town tend to be extremely friendly and hospitable - happy to welcome anyone and everyone to visit Winterhost as often and as long as they like! Hospitality is considered this town's number one value, with friendship and kindness considered equally as important as well! No one knows exactly why Winterhost seems to be the only place where the winter season never moves on. According to the locals, it's been like this for as long as the town has existed. Still, they all love their strange home and their friendly neighbors, and wouldn't trade them for the world.

The town itself has a number of friendly characters and attractions! Everything ranging from the annual building (and possible destruction) of a straw effigy of Mayor Julius, to the local handmade sweets shop run by Patty Bark, the coffee shop run by Pep, and even to their own traditions that the town's tour guide Klaus is more than happy to explain. 

Plate Dragons are a ChickenSmoothie and Discord based closed species created and owned by InuImori.
If you'd like to join in the fun, please join the Plate Dragons Discord!

"Winterhost" is a community lore effort, started by Galaxytale with his adopt entry for Klaus.
"Winterhost" welcomes any/all "wintery" themed Plate Dragons to participate in it. We want to do our best to include as many people as possible in our fun, so there's no real expectation of participation or hard rules about what a 'winter theme' might mean to you.

This associated TH World was graciously created for us by glitterystars.