Extended F.A.Q.

Posted 5 months, 13 days ago by Zesha

Q. What species can I play?
A. Domestic cats!

Q. Can I be a serval/bobcat/lynx?
A. No, the biggest your cats cat be is the largest of the domestic cats. So Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest Cat, and Savannah Cat.

Q. Can my character have heterochromia (two different color eyes)?
A. Yes! Any eyecolor is fine.

Q. Can my character be albino/melanistic?
A. Yes!

Q. Can my character have piercings?
A. I’d really rather they don’t! They can have butterfly/moth wings or other natural things though. Just no feathers around the head. They may also have collars/bandanas/etc. that twolegs put on them if they're a kittypet/former kittypet/are hanging around twolegs.

Q. Can I use real life images to represent my character?
A. I prefer drawn images but real life photos work too! Just make sure they’re creative commons and you have permission to use them. And with artwork, even if it's your own, you MUST credit it in your bio.

Q. How many character slots do I have?
A. Unlimited! But you can only make 4 characters a week. This is to prevent people from making a bunch of characters they don't intend on playing.

Q. How long ago did the Clans move to the Lake Territories?
A. They arrived in Moon 1 and it is now Moon 25 (as of writing this).

Q. Why did the Clans leave their old territory?
A. Twolegs began tearing up the territory for new housing.

Q. Will SkyClan be added?
A. Perhaps in the future! 

Q. Can I use the prefixes Thunder, Shadow, River, Wind, and Moon?
A. Yes! If you're ever unsure of whether or not a prefix would be allowed, feel free to ask in ⁠#❓questions, though we're really quite lenient on naming.

Q. How do I make my own Clan/Group?
A. You need at least 3 different members to be part of it for it to start! Then you contact staff in ⁠#🌹group-creation. You'll need to have some ideas of what you want their territory to be like and it will be beyond the map provided.

Q. Why do you have both Tupperbox and PluralKit?
A. Tupperbox is for RP characters, Pluralkit is for systems. Pluralkit is not to be used for RP characters.

Q. Do I have to use Google Docs?
A. No, though it is preferred. Remember that it does not share your email with other people, just the content of the document.

Q. Is Tupperbox mandatory?
A. Not at all! A lot of people just like using it.

Q. How many high rank characters can I have?
A. Two, but they have to be different. So you can have a leader or deputy and a healer or healer apprentice, but not two deputies, or a deputy and a leader, etc. 

Q. What is the literacy for the server?
A. Semi-literate. All posts must have at least 5 sentences.

Q. What are the ping roles for?
A. @RP is for when you're searching for someone to RP with.
@Plotting is when you're looking for someone to plot with or you already have a specific plot you want to work out.
Adopts is if you want to be notified when new adoptable characters are available.

Q. What happened to Firestar/Leopardstar/Blackstar/Tallstar?
A. Firestar never even made it to Leader in the old territories, he had an ill fated adventure and Oakstar became the leader instead. Then later Oakstar left the Clans at the lake territories and Adderstar became the leader. Later Adderstar died from an illness and Bearstar took over.
Leopardstar was killed in the battle with BloodClan and Sleekstar took over, but then she disappeared and her deputy Larchstar moved up in rank. Not too long after Goosestar started acting crazy, Larchstar also disappeared and Marshstar was appointed leader. As of Moon 24, Marshstar has disappeared and Snakestar has come to power.
Blackstar refused to leave the old forest and instead took part of the Clan to Twolegplace. Palestar lead the rest of the Clan to the new lake territories until their untimely death to a badger in Moon 3. Petrifiedstar then became leader until her death, and Spiderstar took her place briefly, but they disappeared and Dapplestar took over.
Tallstar made the journey to the lake territories and died there, naming Goosestar the new deputy with his dying breath. This lead to the same conflict that it did in the books, but Mudclaw is dead and now they can get to the island.

Q. Can my character be blind/deaf/etc?
A. Yes! But please be respectful about RPing them. This goes for mental illnesses and personality disorders, too.

Q. Can my character have vitiligo, hairlessness, polydactylism, or other unique traits?
A. Absolutely! Though remember that hairless cats may end up getting sunburn and will have a hard time surviving leaf bare.

The Missing

Posted 5 months, 13 days ago by Zesha

After a strange Gathering where an entity whispered into the ears of the Clan cats, they were directed to come to the Moonpool on the next full moon. Only a pawful of cats decided to attend, as it may be a trap: Bearstar, Lionpelt, Shrewpaw, and Leafcatcher of ThunderClan; Sootsky and Thistlerose of ShadowClan; Snakebite, Kelpwave, and Houndflame of RiverClan; and Goosestar, Hailclaw, and Glassypaw of WindClan.

ShadowClan arrived first, then ThunderClan, RiverClan, and finally WindClan. As they all settled down to wait for the “Gathering” to take place, a change began to happen…

The Moonpool, calm and clear just moments before, began to bubble. The cats stared at it and from its center spread a dark, ink-like corruption that turned the entire pool black. From the black water emerged three Dark Forest cats: Nightfright, Ruinsong, and Ravenspark. They claimed to know what had happened to the missing Clan cats, and said they could show them their friends and families that had been lost. The Clan cats were understandable doubtful, but the Dark Forest cats claimed they watched as StarClan stole their family members, from kits to elders, and give little more than vague answers.

Nightfright promised to guide them to their missing cats, though they might not be as they remember. He could not promise they would be able to return to the way they were, but they could help bring them home.

The cats were led through a thicket of trees until they came upon them… The Missing.

Some sat, some laid, but they all shared a blank look, staring off into nothing. They didn’t react to the group approaching them. Some looked ghastly thin, but they did not react to anything. Among them were Goosestar’s mate, Doeflake, and two of his kits, Kestrelkit and Strikekit. This essentially broke him.

Bearstar asked what the Dark Forest had done to these cats, and Nightfright insisted they had nothing to do with it, that StarClan was the ones allowing the cats to rot away into nothingness. They ask the cats to follow them again, and find the truth. Many cats decide to leave: Sootsky, Glassypaw, Lionpelt, Shrewpaw, Leafcatcher, and Hailclaw. The rest stay to find out what has happened and how they can help.

Once the cats are led back to the Moonpool, they are instructed to sleep next to it. As they do, they are sucked into the Dark Forest, where the grass is wilted and the trees are leafless and twisted. A new cat appears: Fidgetfang.

He asks the cats their opinion on StarClan, and after a moment says that even StarClan is capable of committing mistakes. He insists that some cats there were misjudged and sent to the Dark Forest instead of where they truly belonged in StarClan. Some of the Dark Forest cats share their stories, which seem to make them out to be misplaced in the dark realm.

Thistlerose pipes up and asks what they could possibly do against StarClan, who seemed all-powerful. To this it was suggested to not run a Clan as StarClan has decreed—Goosestar is willing to try it, but Snakebite insists on them clearly explaining what exactly they want from the gathered cats. The Dark Forest decides to be ominous, though, and doesn't give a clear answer before plunging the cats back into the living world.