
Bubble bots are a robot humanoid and anthro species. They are usually made to do certain jobs but can be just created as companions to humans! 

In the beginning, when they were first being created, they only had anthro forms and were made for children. They were made as nannies and soft animal based companions for children. But the technology behind the bubble bots was then made to make humanoid versions. Which lead to them being made for all ages and for all jobs! It is not uncommon for humans to see Bubble bots working along side them at their jobs or even just see them hanging out with other humans.

Although Bubble bots are robots, they have diverse personalities and feelings that are all stored in their feelings cube. Their personalities, basically their brain, may be switched out and transferred to another version of their body through a device we call a main frame! Each body is made for that specific Bubble Bot Personalites, so all of its aternate bodies will look similiar or resemble its original body. It also helps humans tell the difference between bots when all the alternatives look like the original body!

Not all Bots have multiple bodies. Some have only one that stays the same or can be modified. Modifications can be made to bots easily, unless the design is completely new then the mainframe wont work with that bot! So once a bot has a design its best to stick with similiar designs when modifying them!