Pokemon Center

About the Pokemon Center 

The Pokemon Center was built in 1987. It has a very retro style and is clearly stuck in an era. Despite the fact that it is, indeed, a Pokemon Center, humans are treated there more often than not. Around 1/4 of it is for Pokemona and the rest of it is for humans. It was simply easier to get financial support for a Pokemon Center than it was for an average hospital (Stronger potions, better supplies, exct). 

The Pokemon Center is completely free to come to. In addition to being a place to heal up, it is simply a place to relax. Due to it’s retro nature, it has become a tourist destination to the quick passerbys who rarely come to the town. Inside is a little coffee shop and a little Pokemart. If you ever need help, don’t hesitate to come here! The head Doctor is Dr. Linnsen. 

Bring Dr. Linnsen some sort of new medical mixture or berry, you will get +1 Linnsen Health, which will keep you healthy if you end up in any…unsavory situation

Now Hiring! 

Coffee Store Clerk - Make Coffee and other craft drinks for the guests - 1300 Poke an Hour 

Nurse - Any sort of nurse, character must have some sort of nursing talent or skill - 2500 Poke an Hour 

Doctor - Only 1 Avaliable, character must have doctoring experience - 3000 Poke an Hour 

Pokemart Clerk - Work the Pokemart - 1300 Poke an Hour 


Pokeballs - 100 Poke 

Potion - 300 Poke 

Super Potion - 400 Poke 

Ultra Potion - 500 Poke 

Envelopes and Letters - 100 Poke 

Escape Rope - 100 Poke 

Adrenaline Orb - 100 Poke 

Repel - 100 Poke 

Super Repel - 200 Poke 

Max Repel - 300 Poke