MLP: The Corruption Plague (Necrosia)

It is a very infectious and deadly virus caused by a parasite. There are 4 Stages and each stage gets progressively worse. 

The infection is caused by a parasite found deep within the everfree forest in undiscovered caves. The infection starts when they are ingested from rotten berries, nuts, or vegetation that can be found in the caves. 

The parasite is always seeking out a host and so has adapted to draw in unsuspecting ponies by making the berries, nuts, or Vegetation smell really good/appetizing to whomever is near. It gives off a sweet aroma to draw in potential hosts. And it takes root in a host’s brain as soon as it is ingested. It is kinda like a Necrotic Worm and therefore it was named Necrosia. 

Ponies that know of the parasite/virus however call it The Corruption Plague as it is known to corrupt the mind

The other way the parasite infects others is by ponies being in close contact with an infected host. The host either bites another or they find their way into a host’s body via an open wound. 

Stage: 1 Freshly Infected, Parasite found a host

  • Pony has Ingested/Contracted the parasite unknowingly or was bitten and it takes root in the host’s brain. 
  • The parasite starts to release its toxins into the host’s bloodstream. 
  • The host isn't aware of the parasite yet. However, it is common that they complain of painful headaches and “a pressure like feeling” in their head
  • They are also more exhausted. 
  • Their appetite increases and they start to crave things that aren't something ponies normally would eat (I.e. they crave Meat)
  • Appearance wise, they look normal on the outside other than looking a bit more tired/Exhausted
  • Ponies are still aware and alert at this stage and they still have their mind intact

Stage 2: First Signs of being infected

  • Pony looks more exhausted and feels very weak
  • They start to have trouble walking and their bones start to become more brittle
  • They experience symptoms like coughing, nausea or vomiting, rashes, more painful headaches, dizziness, and mild hallucinations. 
  • Their skin also becomes dry and cracks easily and wounds can form quickly and bleed quite profusely 
  • Blood from open wounds is darker than normal, almost looking like dried blood
  • Ponies at this stage are still aware/sane but the hallucinations start to cause them paranoia
  • Cutie Mark starts to become subtly corrupted

Stage 3: Symptoms get worse

  • Ponies in this stage experience debilitating pain from the head aches as the parasite slowly takes over the host body. 
  • The host’s skin when wounded is now slow to heal so infection of wounds is common which causes the healing process to slow even more and the parasite feeds on the infection while feeding on the host’s body. 
  • Hosts no longer vomit normally. Instead, a black ooze is what is expelled
  • Host’s minds are really starting to slip and the hallucinations become extreme 
  • Flesh and limbs are prone to start rotting from the inside out as the parasite feeds
  • In some cases, the host’s body starts to mutate and change. Some changes include: 
    • Longer necks
    • Eyes starting to sink in or they morph into blackened orbs
    • They might develop an unhinged or split  jaw that they can open pretty wide
    • Their bones stop being brittle and become hard to break and on occasion grow to the point they can rip flesh
  • Their appetite is more extreme and they start to attack other ponies to either infect or eat at this stage as hosts are more aggressive. 
  • Colors of Mane and Coat slowly desaturate
  • Cutie mark becomes more corrupted

Stage 4: Total takeover, full corruption 

  •  Ponies at this stage are no longer themselves as the parasite has fully taken over
  • The host’s flesh is fully starting to rot and fall off its body. 
  • There is no blood, only the black ooze
  • They aren’t really recognizable as ponies anymore and more like grotesque monsters
  • They are super aggressive and will attack any pony on site to either infect or eat them
  • It is very common for limbs to be missing
  • Mutations from stage 3 become worse in all cases and more mutations can occur. 
    • New Mutations include: 
      • Long neck but it can split all the way down
      • Multiple eyes can appear but they belong to the parasite
      • The face can become able to fully split to open (Think demogorgon from stranger things)
      • More mouths appear and the hosts original mouth becomes filled with very sharp teeth
      • Other limbs or appendages might grow from places they don’t belong. Most of them are made of bone
  • They have the ability to mimic voices to lure in new potential hosts
  • Cutie Mark is fully corrupted or gone. In some cases, it is replaced by a parasite eye.
  • Colors are pretty much very faded or more gray in tone

In VERY rare cases, there are those that are infected but the infection symptoms are very minor. This occurs in 1 out of every 2,000 infected. 

With this very rare occurrence, the Host and the Parasite have come to have a sort of Symbiotic relationship. The Parasite still feeds one the host but the Corruption Toxin injected isn't as potent. The Host does experience stages 1 and 2 but 3 and 4 never occur. And the host remains sane. And even rarer cases, the Parasite will use the host to speak to others. But this is a VERY rare occurrence and has only been documented once since the outbreak started. The Infected with this occurrence is held in a reinforceded holding cell in the base camp and use for research.