welcome To planet Cordaylia! This species and all lore at this point is currently created by Zeke-Lanterns Here on the planet Cordaylia you will get to learn and enjoy your time around some fun, furry critter named Ovhorhons! but wait? What is an Ovorhon?! Ovorhon are large water faring creature! but how are they unique? Good question, if you’re going to join a species you should have something that makes them unique and keeps things interesting! Well Ovorhon are unique why the fact that well, they don’t have eyes! But wait, I know what you’re thinking, and no, they aren’t blind. They see via heat vision! more information can be found here [insert link when finished] At the moment the species is currently closed for development and will be opened once a team of moderators and all world information has been added. moderator applications shall be opened soon Zeke-Lanterns is currently working solo on this project to get it up and running, you may ask questions and offer help but do keep in mind that this whole page will be run by a part of one until permanent help can be found! feel free to follow Along as we journey into making this a fun and thrilling experience!!